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3 Messages

Tuesday, July 9th, 2024 5:35 PM

Will a C71KW-400 work to replace a gemin air for IR control reasons

Mom is 95 years old and can not use the small hard to read gemini air remote. There are no big button remote options for the BT control.

I found a new old stock C71KW-400 box and remote that I believe will function with IR control. This would allow me to purchase a big button universal IR remote for her to use if I'm thinking correctly.


1.  Will my plan work?

2. Is there anything thing I need to setup up on the C71KW to accept IR commands.

My only other option is to remove att/direct tv and go back to specturm.

Please help

ACE - New Member


5.2K Messages

7 months ago

1. Yes, it should work fine.

2. The C71KW-400 automatically uses IR functionality when controlled through a remote, so this should not be an issue.

3 Messages

7 months ago


Thanks for the response. straight forward answers to my questions.

I have been reviewing setup details on the C71KW and have a follow up question.

If I pair the ATT remote it seems the box may not respond to IR calls as it will use BT.

Should I pair the att remote or not in order for the box to receive/respond to IR codes?

Thanks in advance for the help on this for mom

ACE - New Member


5.2K Messages

7 months ago

I would recommend not to pair it.

ACE - Expert


20.9K Messages

7 months ago

AFAIK you need the streaming version that is called the Osprey as the Gemini Air is for the streaming service so you may want to post in the streaming forum.

New Member


513 Messages

7 months ago

A little correction for Deutch:

You can run the Gemini remote in IR mode for a while, but it wants to go back to Bluetooth... and it will complain. You can verify what it is doing in that blue lights on the remote are transmitting BT, and red lights are IR.

Power on and power off are the only time BOTH colors blink with the button press.

Normal configurtation will use BT for DTV commands, and IR for the TV

BUT!!!  The Gemini will continue to accept IR commands Gemini even when it switches to BT.

So, if you can get a programmable remote with "learning" and big buttons, you can "teach it" from the Gemini remote while the Gemini is in IR mode.

Then you have a big button remote for your Gemini. I'm using this method for 2 Gemini Remotes and one SofaBaton remote. (the SofaBaton does not have big buttons, sorry).


3 Messages

7 months ago


Thanks for the further clarity. Very helpful.

I intend to have the big button remote learn the ir codes and than never use the gemini remote other than for system settings. God love Mom, but she would never get the buttons pushed correctly on the gemini remote. Very poor eyesight.