

5 Messages

Saturday, July 20th, 2013 3:04 PM

Program Reminder

I use to be on Time Warner Cable and one thing I liked was that they had Program Reminder where you can be reminded of a program you want to watch. I used it all the time. Now I find myself forgetting a program I want to watch. Will Uverse be coming up with something like that?


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3.2K Messages

12 years ago

chris195811 - When you want to see a show, set your reminder by setting a recording. Set a series for regularly scheduled shows. You will be able to watch that show any time after it starts. You will not get a notice to watch it, but you will not miss it if you are not there to see the notice. For the shows you really want to see each week at the regular time, you will start viewing 15 minutes after the show begins & you will finish when the show ends.



16 Messages

12 years ago

Dish had/has that feature also.  I think Direct does also.  I was surprised that Uverse doesn't.


Recording is not a practical alternative, at least in my case.  I don't want to record it to watch it.  I want a little reminder to pop and give me an option to switch to the program live.  I can't think of a time that I have ever watched a recorded sporting event with the exception of Super Bowl Commercials when they were really creative.



1.3K Messages

12 years ago

@jpinsticks wrote:


Dish had/has that feature also.  I think Direct does also.  I was surprised that Uverse doesn't.


Recording is not a practical alternative, at least in my case.  I don't want to record it to watch it.  I want a little reminder to pop and give me an option to switch to the program live.  I can't think of a time that I have ever watched a recorded sporting event with the exception of Super Bowl Commercials when they were really creative.

Why is recording not practical?  I frequently begin recording a program, whether it be a sporting event or not, and begin watching the recording while it is still recording.  If I delay watching the recording several minutes after it has begun, I can skip through the commericals and watch the program in less than I would if I were watching it live.  This saves me tons of time!



3.2K Messages

12 years ago

jpinsticks - I understand that it is not what you are used to, but it is not all that different. Recording is no more difficult than setting a reminder. It is integral to the system - No overhead. Just try it/ You'll like it.



16 Messages

12 years ago

@aviewer wrote:

jpinsticks - I understand that it is not what you are used to, but it is not all that different. Recording is no more difficult than setting a reminder. It is integral to the system - No overhead. Just try it/ You'll like it.

I hear what you and @texasguy37 are saying.  I am one of the laziest people I know.  I let my cell phone memorize all my friends phone numbers; I let my computer do a lot of work for me; I would like my TV to do most of my work for me ... and it does a lot of it--it will watch a program for me when I'm not around or watching something else.  It just seems that Program Reminder is such a basic concept with, IMO, such little overhead that I thought it would have been included... like a CC button.  I'm certainly glad that uniblurb3 didn't decide to settle for something he wasn't used to.


Don't get me wrong, guys.  None of these little issues I post about are deal killers .. just aggravations.





3.2K Messages

12 years ago

jpinsticks - OK, everyone comes from a different place. I would not pay for a DVR, so I had no experience when I came to U-verse. Also, no reminder experience. So, Recording was just there to do. I liked it so much that I had to pay extra for the DVR for the short time I had FIOS.



1 Message

12 years ago

I think  ATT should consider the reminder popup.  I agree with all the posters who state they appreciated the reminder service because not everything should be recorded.  Our recordings are not stored in the cloud and take up space while we watch live or not.   It's great to know that while you are watching a program onDemand or watching a recorded program a popup saying that something is about to start is more helpful that having to go back and remember what was recorded or when and whether it was the latest episode.  Just help your customers be happy.

ACE - Expert


28.3K Messages

12 years ago

@jpinsticks wrote:

Dish had/has that feature also.  I think Direct does also.  I was surprised that Uverse doesn't.


Recording is not a practical alternative, at least in my case.  I don't want to record it to watch it.  I want a little reminder to pop and give me an option to switch to the program live.  I can't think of a time that I have ever watched a recorded sporting event with the exception of Super Bowl Commercials when they were really creative.

You'll get used to recording programs and forget you ever had a reminder with other service. 


I HATE 90% of the commercials out there and avoid them at all costs.  As stated, start watching a recorded program just a little ways into it (10 mins. for a 30 min. program and 20 mins. for a 60 min. program) and you can FAST FORWARD through all those nasty little buggers!


I've gotten very good at the timing and very spoiled about not watching commercials.



1.3K Messages

12 years ago

@chanels wrote:


I think  ATT should consider the reminder popup.  I agree with all the posters who state they appreciated the reminder service because not everything should be recorded.  Our recordings are not stored in the cloud and take up space while we watch live or not.   It's great to know that while you are watching a program onDemand or watching a recorded program a popup saying that something is about to start is more helpful that having to go back and remember what was recorded or when and whether it was the latest episode.  Just help your customers be happy.

Does your DVR not allow you to delete recordings?


Also, your comments seem to support a reason for recording the program as opposed to interrupting something else that you are watching to watch another program during it's scheduled time slot.

ACE - Expert


28.3K Messages

12 years ago

@texasguy37 wrote:
Does your DVR not allow you to delete recordings?


Also, your comments seem to support a reason for recording the program as opposed to interrupting something else that you are watching to watch another program during it's scheduled time slot.

What texasguy said..... ↑  Smiley Wink

ACE - Master


1.4K Messages

12 years ago

While there are a lot of U-Verse fan types that seem to pooh-pooh the folks that are requesting this feature - this feature seems to be one of the most requested that I have seen in the 5 years that I've been on here.  


I would be willing to bet that the folks who want it outnumber the louder ones that kind of brush the suggestion aside.  Just my two cents.


I  personally would like to see it or some kind of a note that a show is about to be recorded.  Sometimes I  lose tracjk of time and the only note that you will get is a tiny red light on the STB or an all streams error if they are all in use.  If it were the latter, you get NO warning.  Comcast gave you a two minute warning before all streams (ie both, lol) were to be in use.

ACE - Expert


36.9K Messages

12 years ago

@dhascall wrote:

While there are a lot of U-Verse fan types that seem to pooh-pooh the folks that are requesting this feature - this feature seems to be one of the most requested that I have seen in the 5 years that I've been on here.  


I would be willing to bet that the folks who want it outnumber the louder ones that kind of brush the suggestion aside.  Just my two cents.



I doubt it. Unlike the masses who just want their H*llm*rk channel back.  Smiley Wink


ACE - Master


1.4K Messages

12 years ago

@JefferMC wrote:

@dhascall wrote:

While there are a lot of U-Verse fan types that seem to pooh-pooh the folks that are requesting this feature - this feature seems to be one of the most requested that I have seen in the 5 years that I've been on here.  


I would be willing to bet that the folks who want it outnumber the louder ones that kind of brush the suggestion aside.  Just my two cents.



I doubt it. Unlike the masses who just want their H*llm*rk channel back.  Smiley Wink


H*llm*rk, lol.  I don't know about the reminders - I kind of think that it would be cool and I kind of like my "two minute warning" about the all streams are in use feature.  At any rate, the reason that I mention the number of reminder fans outnumbering the fanboys, is that each month it seems at least two folks request it but it's always the same 2 or 3 fans that downplay the other's requests. Smiley Wink

ACE - Expert


36.9K Messages

12 years ago

I hadn't seen a reminder request in a long time, but two new ones this month.  It comes and goes.  When I miss the start of a show on TV, it's not because I'm watching something else on TV, it's because I'm doing something else entirely, so the reminder feature is not of any importance to me.


I can see that others might want it.  It's just not important to me, and seems anachronistic given the DVR's recording functionality, kind of like the crank handle for your automobile.  You still use one of those, don't you?


ACE - Master


1.4K Messages

12 years ago

@JefferMC wrote:

I hadn't seen a reminder request in a long time, but two new ones this month.  It comes and goes.  When I miss the start of a show on TV, it's not because I'm watching something else on TV, it's because I'm doing something else entirely, so the reminder feature is not of any importance to me.


I can see that others might want it.  It's just not important to me, and seems anachronistic given the DVR's recording functionality, kind of like the crank handle for your automobile.  You still use one of those, don't you?


Touche.  But when most other DVR's have reminders, two minute warnings and such maybe the U-Verse DVR is the automobile with the hand crank.....  All that I'm saying is that I would love the two minute warning or at least have the TV jump to the first recorded channel., instead of simply sticking a warning up there and leaving it there.  Reminders easily could be part of that.


In fact this was my suggestion a few years back, that would pop up before all streams would be in use.  You are all welcome, lol.




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