Wednesday, April 27th, 2022 5:09 PM

Sound works from Sony TV ok but no streaming sound when routed through a home theater receiver. Have new orange HDMI cables

I have a 3 year old Sony tv hooked to a NAD 757 receiver. Sound works fine through the TV speakers but not when passed through the receiver when watching streamed content.  When I have streamed content playing, the sound is from a cable TV show not the streamed show. 

I have new orange HDMI cables. Any clues? 

ACE - Professor


8.2K Messages

3 years ago

Press menu on the U-Verse remote.

Go to options, audio/language then digital audio output.

Is that on surround sound?

3 years ago

Thanks it is set to stereo as I just use two speakers and the NAD set to stereo with no surround sound engaged. 

Community Support


254.9K Messages

3 years ago

Happy to help you get your audio to work when you're streaming, SportandClassicCarCo.


Troubleshoot your audio directly from your TV using the TS&R on TV option.

  1. Press Menu
  2. Scroll down to Help and press OK
  3. Select Information > Troubleshoot & Resolve TV Sound
  4. Select the Sound issue
  5. Follow the onscreen prompts

Let us know if this fixes the sound or if you need further assistance.


Aminah, AT&T Community Specialist

3 years ago

Thanks but The reboot suggestion from the help feature did nothing. The sound works from the TV when not connected to home theater, but when run through the home theater system and watching a streamed show, the sound is not from a streamed provider such as Hulu and is from whatever TV show is coming through the set top box. 

Community Support


254.9K Messages

3 years ago

Thanks for providing that additional information, @SportandClassicCarCo.


If you're still having issues with getting your sound to work properly, it may be to your benefit to check and see that the correct output is selected on your home theatre system. Make sure the volume is not muted and is turned up on that system as well.


Aside from that, if your cables are all plugged in correctly and you're sure that none of the outputs available on your home threatre system are providing you with sound for your U-Verse system, then you may want to reach out to the manufacturer of your home theatre system for further support.


Let us know if you have any other questions or concerns, and we'll be happy to help!


Jarod, AT&T Community Specialist

3 years ago

To be clear, there is sound with the home theater system from U-verse delivered TV shows but no sound from internet streamed shows.

The sound from U-verse TV shows and the video from streamed shows plays at the same time. No sound from streamed shows. 

Community Support


254.9K Messages

3 years ago

Let's continue to troubleshoot, SportandClassicCarCo


Now as you have stated, that you are not getting sound from the streaming shows.

  • If this happening from all apps or some apps? The reason why we are asking is that there is one streaming app that we support and that is DirecTV Stream.
  • How is the HDMI cable plugged in? Is the HDMI cord coming from the receiver to the TV or receiver to the surround system? The reason why we need to know that is we might need to do a HDMI reset. 

Speaking of a HDMI reset, this is how you do that:

  1. Turn everything off. 
  2. Unplug the HDMI cord from the surround system and where it is going.
  3. Swap ends and plug the cord back in to the two devices
  4. Turn the TV on and the surround system. Do not turn on your receiver.
  5. Load a streaming app and play something.

Did the sound come through with from the app? If so, then the HDMI reset worked. If not, then it might be a concern with surround system.

  • Can you get sound from the streaming app with just the TV and streaming app? The reason why that we need to know that, is so we can isolate the root cause of the concern.
  • Have you checked your audio input settings to make sure that surround system has been selected? The reason why we need to know that is that sometimes, the audio input needs to be toggled. 

If the surround system is still not picking up the sound from from the streaming app, then you will need to contact the surround system manufacture. 


Please let us know if these tip and tricks work for you. 


Thank you for posting on the AT&T Community Forums. 


Matthew, AT&T Community Specialist


3 years ago


  • "Can you get sound from the streaming app with just the TV and streaming app? The reason why that we need to know that, is so we can isolate the root cause of the concern."

Yes, the streaming aps work fine though the TV without the surround receiver hooked up. 

When I attach the HDMI cable from the set top box to the NAD receiver and from the NAD to the TV, there is sound from the TV programs but when changed to any ap, there is ap visual with no ap sound but the system plays the sound from the TV show.  I am including a response from NAD, the maker of the surround receiver. 

"Thank you for contacting the NAD Electronics Support Crew.
I suggest checking with ATT set top box on what format the streamed content is played, it may be higher resolution. the T757 only handles up to 1080p. For the sound, check the sound formats coming from the Streamed content, it may be dolby atmos or a different sound format that the T757 may not support. We suggest contacting ATT for assistance regarding about the stream content."

Community Support


254.9K Messages

3 years ago

Thanks for coming back to us, SportandClassicCarCo. We appreciate it. 


Looks like we have more probing to do. Our next question is:

  • What streaming application or applications are you using? The reason why we need to know that is that we need to see if the applications you are using we support. 
  • Is your surround system plugged into your TV directly or through the AT&T STB/receiver. The reason why we need to know that is, if the surround sound system is not pulled into the AT&T STB, then the sound is coming from the TV and it is having a problem with external speaker settings. 

If you can answer those questions and get back to us. 


Thank you for posting with the AT&T Community Forums. 


Matthew, AT&T Community Specialist

3 years ago

  • What streaming application or applications are you using?
  • Aps such as Amazon Prime movies, Hulu, Paramount+.
  • The reason why we need to know that is that we need to see if the applications you are using we support. 
  • your surround system plugged into your TV directly or through the AT&T STB/receiver.
  • The ATT receiver is plugged into NAD HT receiver and from the out to monitor cable to the TV.  I get sound through the NAD receiver from TV channels but no the streaming ap sound. I get streaming ap visuals. 

  • The SONY TV switches to outside speakers when the NAD receiver is turned on. When the NAD is turned off, sound returns to the TV speakers.  

    The reason why we need to know that is, if the surround sound system is not pulled into the AT&T STB, then the sound is coming from the TV and it is having a problem with external speaker settings. 

If you can answer those questions and get back to us. 

Community Support


254.9K Messages

3 years ago

Thanks you so much for answering those questions, SportandClassicCarCo.


Sound concerns besides not getting sound from the AT&T receiver is actually outside our support boundaries, but let's try one last thing. 


It looks like that you have both the AT&T receiver and the surround system are on at the same time. Try turning off the AT&T receiver and have only the surround system turned on. 


If this doesn't work, then our next step is to refer you to our hometech team. The hometech team supports anything that is outside of the boundaries of AT&T. Waring this team does require an additional subscription. You can find out more about the AT&T Hometech team and what they offer, please use the aforementioned link. 


Again, thank you for getting back to us.


Thank you for posting with AT&T Community Forums. 


Matthew, AT&T Community Specialist


ACE - Professor


8.2K Messages

3 years ago

I have my Chromecast plugged directly into the side of my TV. The surround sound works, but I believe it has to be on a specific setting.