

2 Messages

Thursday, July 23rd, 2015 6:11 AM


Y Don't Uverse Delivers What It Says? Cause It's A Lots Of Popular Shows I Mean #1 Rated Shows R Shown Not Just On Cable But Regular TV Channels, But Guess Who #1 Supposedly WORLD Carrier Doesn't Carry Thier Shows Cause They Doesn't Have The Channels! So Tell Me Y SHOULD WE KEEP SPENDING OUR HARD EARNED MONEY WITH U, WHEN U NOT GIVING THE CUSTOMERS WHAT THEY BEEN BEGGING U ALL 4? When U Not Listening Nor Care Cause U Feel U Lose 1 U Gain 2 More keep Believing That GOD HATES GREED!!!

ACE - Expert


28.3K Messages

10 years ago



Let me attempt to translate this post:


"Why doesn't Uverse deliver what it says, such as popular shows, #1 rated shows, shows not just on cable but regular TV channels?  But guess who doesn't?  Number one rated because they don't have the channels. 


So tell me why we should spend our hard earned money when you are not giving the customers what they have been begging for.  When you are not listening nor care, you feel like for every one customer you lose, you gain 2 more. Keep believing that but God hates greed!"



What channels are missing from your Uverse lineup that you would like to see?



154 Messages

10 years ago

You seem to be unsatisfied with the service you are receiving. You would be better served if you cancelled your subscription and used that money for an ESL class.

ACE - Professor


911 Messages

10 years ago

@skeeterintexas wrote:



Let me attempt to translate this post:


"Why doesn't Uverse deliver what it says, such as popular shows, #1 rated shows, shows not just on cable but regular TV channels?  But guess who doesn't?  Number one rated because they don't have the channels. 


So tell me why we should spend our hard earned money when you are not giving the customers what they have been begging for.  When you are not listening nor care, you feel like for every one customer you lose, you gain 2 more. Keep believing that but God hates greed!"



What channels are missing from your Uverse lineup that you would like to see?

Perhaps she can post to the thread I just started about which major channels are missing from U-verse.


Maybe the OP has an old television that is missing ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox due to cosmic forces, sun spots, and solar flares that are affecting her reception. Give her the benefit of the doubt.



ACE - Expert


36.9K Messages

10 years ago

Y shud I bother 2 REED dis post N D 1ST place?


ACE - Expert


28.3K Messages

10 years ago

You have to admit that I did a pretty good job of translating!  The English Major coming out in me.

1.9K Messages

10 years ago

I'm going ZZZ  after reading YYY.Smiley LOL

ACE - Expert


28.3K Messages

10 years ago

I need this


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