About me
i'm in facebook as mary coleman for pacbell, sbc and att friends who find me. i am retired from att after 30+yrs with expertise in service orders, ordering systems and flow, loop assignment, line translations and switch and network translations, was a commtech which included advanced intelligence, network and complex customer translations, trunking and tandem/ss7 and then promoted to management in core network operations (NOC). I could never put up 'that wall' to separate myself from the people who do the work and was able to keep trust and respect and fun managing teams in the 10yrs that I had subordinates and have a pride in getting 3 grievances my entire time in a manager title, 2 of which i asked for on purpose. As i began to look at the future of telecommunications, I decided to leave core network operations center and try out wireless or data and data had an opening. IN the 8 or 9 yrs followed until retirememnt, I was qualty process methods ad procedures author, project managed self imposed projects, trainer, mechanized work processes and systems appliations, created employee expectations and develpment programs, flow charting, with expertise in the wholesale/retail voice and data (consumer and small bus) marketing and winback worlds of masked and unmasked variety, and finally high speed internet data support. I have been a 'go to' contact for many dept's and stayed in touch with those I transferred out of which gve me a great network of key contacts, particularly valuable in the later years of my service. I was also a key contact for clecs for port issues they or att encountered for customers coming or going from or to att. The training and hands on experience i have been so lucky to have received has been extinct for a while now as the new ages of leadership began to emerge and their working experience and knowledge was becoming less and less. They began to make more decisions on exactly where employee's "Need to Know' began and ended while performing their jobs, and what tools they could do with or without. If it was a grey area it fell into 'dont need to know" and 'you can do without'. Scripting was also introduced, which is excellent for standardizing what customer's are told, but it also allows work to be offshored and if isnt in the script or in that grey area then that's when the transferring of customer's and their runaround begins. 3 to 4 people doing for less pay each what used to take 1 or 2 people for more. LOL Anyway, when I hired on in 1979 as an operator my goal was retire at 30yrs. I was born and raised at pac bell and have lived thru the changes brought from divestiture, to sbc takeover, thru the buyout of ameritech and experienced mergers back and reworking process and methods all over again for voice and data. I have seen great minds leave and great workers retire or be laid off. I've witnessed the heartbreak caused employees by the movement of work and office closures by sbc in the name of att and happily retired with 30yrs, benefits and a full pension,and still have enough years until i'm 62 that I should have another hefty pension from someplace else and now draw my SS too. So far my life time line is green and on target...
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