August 29th, 2014
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11 years ago
I am new to At&t U verus. I was told when I signed up the Hallmark Channel was available. It took me a week to finally realize you don't have it. Very misleading.
11 years ago
I am new to At&t U verus. I was told when I signed up the Hallmark Channel was available. It took me a week to finally realize you don't have it. Very misleading.
I'll bet there are torrent websites online where you can watch live feeds of Hallmark and the NHL Network somewhere, if you look for them hard enough.
11 years ago
it appears babytv (330) and baby first is no longer available, at least in my area (Birmingham, AL) . i chatted and confirmed. Thanks for the heads up ATT. I have a son who's on the autism spectrum. Needless to say it didn't make for a good start to the new year for him to wake up and not have the c
I hate the FCC. They force censorship and editing for TV and radio, which I don't agree with. The naked human body is a beautiful thing. And the f-word is just a word. Too bad this site doesn't allow that word's use either.
11 years ago
Why are we paying for Xplay reruns from 2012, Heroes & Lost reruns you can stream online.
Style TV Network became Esquire. As for G4, they are not going to make any new programming and U-Verse is one of the few providers that still carries it. I would imagine its days are numbered and it will soon go the way of SoapNET.
11 years ago
it appears babytv (330) and baby first is no longer available, at least in my area (Birmingham, AL) . i chatted and confirmed. Thanks for the heads up ATT. I have a son who's on the autism spectrum. Needless to say it didn't make for a good start to the new year for him to wake up and not have the c
I still have both of them right now. I never watch them though.
11 years ago
While flipping through the sports channels, I noticed that I now get beIN sports on 662/1662, 663/1663 and 664/1664 (no 3D TV in dhascall's household ). I have U300 + HD PT but no Sports Pak. Did they change packages, is this a free preview or what? I'm decidedly not a soccer fan
Thanks, TG. I did not think It was available.
11 years ago
While flipping through the sports channels, I noticed that I now get beIN sports on 662/1662, 663/1663 and 664/1664 (no 3D TV in dhascall's household ). I have U300 + HD PT but no Sports Pak. Did they change packages, is this a free preview or what? I'm decidedly not a soccer fan
Is Lifetime RW HD available? I get U-450 plus the HD Premium Tier but I only get an SD version of that channel on 364. 1364 does not show up in my guide.
11 years ago
While flipping through the sports channels, I noticed that I now get beIN sports on 662/1662, 663/1663 and 664/1664 (no 3D TV in dhascall's household ). I have U300 + HD PT but no Sports Pak. Did they change packages, is this a free preview or what? I'm decidedly not a soccer fan
Well if you want it, just add the Sports Pack. It's not that expensive. Just a mere extra 10 bucks a month I think? That won't break too many people.
11 years ago
I am new to At&t U verus. I was told when I signed up the Hallmark Channel was available. It took me a week to finally realize you don't have it. Very misleading.
Another Hallmark thread? Seriously? There's one right beside this one...I guess the OP didn't see it.
11 years ago
A couple days ago I discovered that the Music Choice channels had been renumbered. No problem, I thought, I'll just unhide whatever channel Classical Masterpieces is now on. Wrong! It's nowhere to be found, either in the channel list or the MC app, though it's still available on musicchoice.com.
I feel you dwinth. But I just have one question. When a channel is lost, why does AT&T feel as though it's subscribers are not privy to a full explanation of exactly what went wrong to cause its removal instead of just the canned generic "we could no
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