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Search Results (36)
Fox network's Empire
I am only seeing a few episodes of Season 2 of Fox network's Empire on Demand through the tv, but not the remaining. On, I found 3 episodes of Season 1, but I did not find any of Season 1 on my tv's On Demand. Where can I go to find the entire Season 1 and 2 of Empire?
Watching U-verse TV
Boardwalk Empire availability?
Boardwalk Empire is available to me to watch through OnDemand via the U-Verse app, but not searchable on my mainline television set. We have the U450 package which includes all the premium channels, yet typing "Boardwalk Empire" into the search function for OnDemand HD comes up with nothing at all.
Watching U-verse TV
Missing In Demand Episodes - Empire
Season 1 of Empire is on In Demand. Episodes 1-5 & 8 &9 are available. However, Episodes 6&7 ar not included. When will these missing episodes be added?
Watching U-verse TV
Boardwalk Empire episodes
I am looking for an old episode of Boardwalk Empire. There is no HBO On Demand Channel. Is it available anywhere with Direct TV?
Watching DIRECTV
Having trouble watch a show Empire
Dont understand that happends twice 2 diffents nite rows cant watch it nor recored it u have remove no reason channel 12 and 1012 both not able to watch Im not happy bout it . could u remove it and replay last to show for me thank you name show is Empire.
Watching U-verse TV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Free On Demand?
I was curious, is the Premium On Demand free or not? We just got Uverse, so we have pretty much every channel for a low rate for a year. We've been watching Boardwalk Empire on the HBO premium page, and I'm just making sure it is free. I assume it is, because on other items, like newer movies, there
Watching U-verse TV
1. Have not played recordsing on other TV2. Not on all channels. I noticed it on Egypt: Engineering and Empire and Mission to Pluto. But not on movies I have recorded.3. Always HD4. No
Recording problem
Some of the shows I record are choppy when I play them back...stop and go with a few seconds missing. Has anyone else experiened this?
Why is that pitiful dog next to my name? At&t, i know you are busy rebuilding the empire but where do you keep the xtra uverse remotes?
need a replacement uverse remote. anyone?
can i purchase a uverse remote somewhere or possibly order one? ATT store said call the 800 # . the phone robot told me to come here to this social community. I just need a remote to operate the t v. Can i get a remote @ best buy.?? What about it at&t? Yes I have uverse currently installed.
yea, att lies. my service was disconnected this morning over like 60 bucks. direct tv was better, ever since they've joined the evil empire it's different
Will my DIRECTV be disconnected during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?
Will directv service be disconnected for non payment during the covid 2020 crisis?
Having a DVR 'automatically" changing settings may sound good but could have all sorts of unintended repercussions. The golf game, which only mildly interest you runs over. Down the line, when Boardwalk Empire comes on at 9, you miss the program be
Extending DVR recordings when live events go over
With all the wonderful things DVRs are able to do -- why can DirecTV DVRs not automatically extend a scheduled program's start time when the live event(s) prior to it go over -- e.g., all programming following Sunday's football games or other live events?
The problem is not with my equipment, it's DirectTV, over 2 weeks later they still have no resolution. Just called today for the third time. They admit it's the entire area.The Empire State Building was built in one year. This should not take over tw
Local channels freezing/skipping
I have read a couple of threads of people experiencing the same local channel issue with freezing skipping channels. I leave is south west Oklahoma and for about a week now my local channels are freezing and skipping. This leads me to believe that DirectTV has some sort of underlining issue with the
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Hi @Hockeyhead777, I am sorry for the inconveniences. The VOD library online is different than the one through the TV service. We are always working on expanding it. In the meantime, if your TV has access to the HBO Go app, the entire series of Boa
Boardwalk Empire availability?
Boardwalk Empire is available to me to watch through OnDemand via the U-Verse app, but not searchable on my mainline television set. We have the U450 package which includes all the premium channels, yet typing "Boardwalk Empire" into the search function for OnDemand HD comes up with nothing at all.
@raven70805 wrote: I am only seeing a few episodes of Season 2 of Fox network's Empire on Demand through the tv, but not the remaining. On, I found 3 episodes of Season 1, but I did not find any of Season 1 on my tv's On Demand. Where
Fox network's Empire
I am only seeing a few episodes of Season 2 of Fox network's Empire on Demand through the tv, but not the remaining. On, I found 3 episodes of Season 1, but I did not find any of Season 1 on my tv's On Demand. Where can I go to find the entire Season 1 and 2 of Empire?
Not Properly Resolving Scheduling Conflicts
Sunday evenings are a busy recording time for me.I have four items to record at 8 pm Central (Grey's Anatomy ABC, Boardwalk Empire HBO, Dexter SHO and Walking Dead AMC) and three at 9 pm (Homeland SHO, Hell on Wheels AMC and Hung HBO). I extend Grey's Anatomy by an hour to compensate for Sunday Foot
DIRECTV Equipment
When I watched Boardwalk Empire last night I noticed maybe one really short gap in the audio. I too looked for a "complaint" link for HBO but found none. I may be of earlier vintige than many who post here, but I recall the B&W days of three channe
Audio problems Channel 501 HD
I am having audio problems on Channel 501 HBO HD. The audio has a funny distortion. This is not an LOS problem. I do not have this problem on any other HD station I have watched. Channel 502 HD is fine. Is there a problem with the feed on channel 501? If not why would I be having this problem? Thi
@That Don Guy wrote:Am I the only one who finds it an incredible coincidence that, with the exception of an ACE member and Sayitaintso, every post here is from someone who hasn't posted before now? Maybe a pop culture reference might explain things b
USA v Mexico not broadcast live!
Seriously AT&T! No live soccer on FS1! This will drive people to cable if you don't figure it out.
@ms_unicorn y’all don’t give a crap about your customers and it’s a joke to me when I read someone “acting like they really give a (Edited per community guidelines)” hilarious , (Edited per community guidelines)! I can’t wait for the day that att has
To see your accts is afull! I wish iI could go and distroy att and tell them off. First two years they promised I would be paying 122.00 a month for two years for cell internet and phone i wrote up names of who help meI get my first bill it alit more but i knew that already. Then my monthly bill wa
Three weeks of Uverse has had more problems than ten years of Direct TV
What is with Uverse ? It freezes, just stops working, resets and one receiver has gone out completely - all in three weeks of getting it installed. I can find no where to contact ATT via email, I'm tired of searching through endless pages of what to buy, how to pay .... Everything except a simple p
U-verse TV Equipment
Quote: Originally Posted by dcd When I watched Boardwalk Empire last night I noticed maybe one really short gap in the audio. I too looked for a "complaint" link for HBO but found none. I may be of earlier vintige than many who post here, but I rec
Audio problems Channel 501 HD
I am having audio problems on Channel 501 HBO HD. The audio has a funny distortion. This is not an LOS problem. I do not have this problem on any other HD station I have watched. Channel 502 HD is fine. Is there a problem with the feed on channel 501? If not why would I be having this problem? Thi
I second that! Boardwalk Empire rules!
13 years ago
to the conversation:
Free Weekend But what should I watch
It's finally here...the free weekend. But now I have to find which movies I'd like to see out of hundreds. I always just page through each premium channel to see if a title catches my attention. You can imagine how long that takes. Is there a list of favorites or recommended that I can look at?