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Hi. How come there are so many infomercials in my family plan ? Some are even duplicates. Does the family plan count as basic or standard service ? Thank you.
Watching U-verse TV
Default channel 2 infomercials
Why is Columbus, Ohio, channel 2 with infomercials the default channel when I log on to DirecTV? I do not have Channel 2 selected on my favorite channels, but it is the channel that displays every time I turn on my TV. No doubt DirecTV makes money by showing infomercials, but I am paying a premium f
Watching DIRECTV
there are way too many paid advertising infomercials than tv programs!!!!!
I overpay for tv channels that I don't even watch - stupid paid advertising infomercials, and even when I am home -- there are no programs that are even on that I really want to watch!!! I'm overpaying for shows that I don't even want to watch -- is it time to sign up for live streaming programs in
Watching DIRECTV
You'll find that all over. Not just Channel 196. It's an Infomercial. They buy airtime on a lot of cable networks and local TV stations. Best thing to do would be to avoid letting your kids watch any "Paid Programming" or Infomercials if it's shown o
I am very frustrated. I have noticed for the 2nd time in the last 2 days channel 196 showing a pay channel called or something like that. There are two women selling {Inappropriate content removed} adult material. We have all of our channells parental control blocked as we have 3 c
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Why does AT&T continue dropping channels?
If at&t continues to drop my favorite channels and replaces them with all infomercials all the time channels, why would I continue to be a customer?
Watching U-verse TV
Why all the infomercials very dissatisfied please get back to what you do best
Watching DIRECTV
Where is my local PBS station
I usually watch PBS on 1007 here in Goose Creek, SC. Tonight, I'm seeing infomercials on that channel. What gives?
U-verse TV Equipment
DTV has no control over a channels programing and those infomercials pay DTV or the channels and help keep you bill down.
Loss of channels
AT&T has failed to properly prepare for the anticipated end of contract negotiation with Nexstar - resulting in the loss of ABC station, a MAJOR network. This continues to happen, as in the past, when other channels were removed from the lineup - as your customers continue to pay increased costs in
In Gulfport MS we hardly get no game programming. Infomercials and an occasional program featuring player interviews. Most programming is blacked out in your viewing area.
TW SNLA channel availability.
I understand that TW offered ATT Uverse the chance to have their customers to be able to watch the SNLA Dodger station. I also read that ATT Uverse didn't want to and an extra charge to customers that didn't want that channel. Did ATT Uverse ever think of all the customers that don't want or need to
Yes, it normally runs infomercials for Time Life products. I was just wondering because I have never seen this type of image on a uverse channel before.
Channel not on air
Zipcode: 92336, channel is 1359 and has a static image saying: "the program provider is currently experiencing technical difficulties."
DTV has no control over what a channel provides as its programing and the channels send the same programing to all providers and those infomercials pay to be aired reducing your bill.
Pandora not working
When we attempt to start Pandora we get "pandora is not available in this country'. What the heck is up with that?
Loss of signal in good weather
My signal was loss nine times in an hour, with error 771 and also infomercials breaking in. This is in good weather and yes I tried reset. It still happened afterwards.
Watching DIRECTV
Shopping networks pay DTV to carry them and infomercials pay the local channels advertising fees as well as the bible channels the locals sell advertising space for.
Digital side channels
Why doesn’t Directv provide all the digital side channels available locally on over the air tv?
My question is, if I am not getting channels 4 and 23 any more why is my bill the same.I watch these channels all the time, I should just cancel my Direct TV and be done with these games that are being played not just by Direct, but by all of them.I
Loss of channels
AT&T has failed to properly prepare for the anticipated end of contract negotiation with Nexstar - resulting in the loss of ABC station, a MAJOR network. This continues to happen, as in the past, when other channels were removed from the lineup - as your customers continue to pay increased costs in
Show me any for profit company that will reduce their profit margins. Without those infomercials paying DTV/the channels you bill would be out of sight. DTV has no control over what a channel does with their programming.
Loss of channels
AT&T has failed to properly prepare for the anticipated end of contract negotiation with Nexstar - resulting in the loss of ABC station, a MAJOR network. This continues to happen, as in the past, when other channels were removed from the lineup - as your customers continue to pay increased costs in
The content providers package their channels just like DTV and all other TV providers do and will not allow customers to pick what channels they want. Those infomercials and shopping channels pay the channel/DTV to be carried helping to keep your bi
Senior Citizens (need a new package formed just for Senior citizens)
I would love to see an additional package offering named (Packages for Senior Citizens) Being 80 yrs old and hubby being 83, we find the packages offered are ridiculous. These packages include so many channels that are never watched (not by Seniors anyway). Numerous product selli
DTV doesn't make any money on infomercials on a local channel.
1 year ago
to the conversation:
Default channel 2 infomercials
Why is Columbus, Ohio, channel 2 with infomercials the default channel when I log on to DirecTV? I do not have Channel 2 selected on my favorite channels, but it is the channel that displays every time I turn on my TV. No doubt DirecTV makes money by showing infomercials, but I am paying a premium f