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Promotional period expired, $100 increase per month, retention help
Is there such a thing as ATT retention department and how do I reach them? I was offered a package yesterday and the best that they could do was still $75 more per month and that was without the taxes and fees. I literally have had to disconnect, get another provider and then reinstall to stay wit
U-verse TV Account
Pay per view
Can I view a pay per view event in more than one television simultaneously?
Watching U-verse TV
Pay per view
Does anyone have an idea as to why the option for pay per view ordering via phone call is down?
U-verse TV Account
Is it possible to purchase a pay per view event and watch it on 2 different locations in your home?
U-verse TV Equipment
complete (Edited per community guidelines)
Why the (Edited per community guidelines) does ATT (Edited per community guidelines) at service
U-verse TV Account
pay per view
I can not watch pay per view utilizing HDMI conections. I have to switch to component cables. Standard programming is fine with HDMI inputs
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Pay per view on mobile
Can I watch a pay per view fight on my mobile uverse app?
Watching U-verse TV
Mailing list to a dead person
Hi! I have called, 20 times. My mother is dead and I keep getting mail for her for direct TV. I hate seeing her name in my mail as it makes me sad. I so need help!
(Edited per community guidelines)
Can I (Edited per community guidelines) my Uverse to my laptop?
U-verse TV Account
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Please either email or mail my final bill.
Please either email or mail my final bill.Act# [EDITED][email scrubbed]Kimberly [EDITED - removed personal information per Community Guidelines] I have been trying for over a month to get this handled. Thank you
How do I get a technical suppot person to make a maintenance call in person?
Poor service. Nothing but a -run-around. Every one I'm connected to is talking from the Phillipines....can't understand a word they are saying. I think At&T and Direct TV want that way so you are forced to hang up in frustration! Very unhappy customer who is advisor to manager who is respondsibl
Watching DIRECTV
pay per view question
can i watch a pay per view movie numerous times until the expiration date for one time charge, 5.99?
DIRECTV Equipment
Rescan per FCC guidelines
Do I need to rescan my channels per the FCC guidelines or does DirecTV do that for me?
DIRECTV Equipment
Recording Pay per view
If I were to order a pay per view am I able to record it onto my DVR?
U-verse TV Equipment
Pay Per View
Is there a way to block DirecTv from loading pay per view movies to my VCR list. Sometimes someone tunes in to one of these by mistake, then we get charged for something we did not want.
Watching DIRECTV
pay per view problem
since getting a new receiver from directtv, I am unable to order pay per view with the remote, even though a system test shows the phone line as "OK." What's wrong?
DIRECTV Equipment
Pay per view recording
When I buy and record a pay per view movie on my Tivo it will only last for 24 hours. I used to be able to keep a movie indefinitely. What happened?
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
How do you pay for Pay Per View
Is Pay Per View charged to your account?
Watching U-verse TV