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Accepted Solution
Monday night football
ESPN Is blacked out but I still get ABC. My question is since Monday night football is on both channels will it still be shown on ABC or will it black out once the game comes on?
Watching DIRECTV
Friday Night Lights
Ok, I know I should just be more patient, but I can't. My directv service was on the fritz last night and I didn't get my Friday Night Lights fix. Now I'm not able to download it through On Demand. I went to the remote scheduler and set it to download a few times, but every time it gets canceled and
Watching DIRECTV
Uverse out every night
Why does this continue to happen. It started months ago where at night my uverse does not connect to the main dvr. All boxes have been replaced multiple times and again last week. Not i finally have recordings to watch again except i can't get the dvr to connect to uverse. I'm tired of paying for se
Watching U-verse TV
Remote light at night
When it’s dark at night I can’t see the remote buttons. I have to hit one to get it to light up then I’m hitting something I don’t want. Xfinity had the remote if you move it, it lights up. Ant thoughts?
Thursday Night Football Broadcasts
Will DirecTV still be showing the Thursday Night NFL Football Games this year? Please respond. Thanks . . . Delbert Barrett
Monday Night Football?????
No Monday Night Football on ESPN 212 and 212-1, What the Heck?Spent an hour searching all channels and finally found game on Deportes, a spanish station that I don't get.Why am I paying way over $200 a month with Sunday Ticket and can't get MNF?Is it time to switch satellite providers?
Watching DIRECTV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Receiver shuts down every night at the same time
Why does my receiver re-boot every night at 1 am?
U-verse TV Equipment
When I watch shows at night my DVR freezes and interrupts programming, only at night,
U-verse TV Equipment
Losing local HD signals at night
I just got the new HR-20 HD DVR and couldn't be happier except for one thing. Every night around 8:00 or so, the signal from Transponder 1 on Satellite 103 which provides my HD locals drops off. At first I thought it was a dish alignment problem but after 2 visits by technicians to fine tune the ali
Watching DIRECTV
Directv starts up spontaneously in middle of night
Last night tv started up on its own
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Artifacts during night scenes
Hi, we had our U-verse installed yesterday. Overall our experience has been good, but we're seeing pretty noticeable artifacts during night scenes. The black background of the scenes has a ton of blocking / artifacts in it. We have a 55" TV and do not see the artifacts on BluRay. I know U-verse uses
Watching U-verse TV
Losing every night AT&T Signal at 11:01 pm California time
On Friday was the worse night to watch wireless U-verse Television. Time was 11:01 p.m. every 3 to 6 minutes the signal was lost this went on all night until this morning Saturday 12-17-2022 we go thru this every night at 11:01 p.m. Does anyone knows what is going on?
Watching U-verse TV
Sunday night football not available on iPad?
I tried to access the Sunday night Philly vs Atl game on the iPad app & it said the game was not part of Sunday ticket. Why is that? It's not an nfl blocked game for me.
Watching DIRECTV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Why do I lose service for 3 hours every night
Every night around 11p I lose svc for 3hs
Watching U-verse TV
Remote control beeps during the night
One of my S10-S4 remote controls beeps during the night, night after night, even though it is not being used and the TV and DVR have been off for hours. I changed the batteries to brand new ones but that did eliminate the problem. Is there a solution other than requesting a new remote control?
U-verse TV Equipment
no local channel at night only on bedroom tv only
have high def box in living room working fine-bedroom goes out on local below 70 at night only-the rep said i do get local from a sep satalitte-all works fine during the day-any ideas-above 70 works fine at night on both sets
DIRECTV Equipment
All 3d mitsubish "3d ready" will work on direct tv but you need the mitsubishi 3DA-1 3D Adapter Kit ($99) or th3cd-1000 ($399) connected to the tv. The 3DA-1 3D only comes with the converter box and the 3DC-1000 comes with the converter box two glasses ,emitter and 3d sample disk.
Watching DIRECTV
monday night football /espn
Local team is playing on Monday night football. My dvr records the local team every week. It says its going to record on espn which i don't get.I have seen where it says locally shown on I think it said ABC, but something else is scheduled on that channel during that time according to the guide. W
Watching DIRECTV
How to record Monday Night Football series?
Cloud DVR is pretty lame. How can I tell it to record every episode of the Monday Night Football series without making it record every NFL game that is ever shown on DirecTV Stream? Every other DVR I've had recognizes the title of Monday Night Football as a recordable series, but this one wants to l
Loss of signal at night 771
Four nights ago, we lost the signal on the local channels. Next day they were back up. Next 2 days were OK. Tonight we lost locals again, then noticed some of the others were also not working - 771 Searching for Signal. Checked all the connections at the dish... all clean and dry. As the night
DIRECTV Equipment