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@Txavguy2021 yes mine are hard wired to as eluded to by "disabled the network port" for one at the network rack, i truly believe if it has a port wire it. but you know sisters they want to share. and this was my story and how i had to deal with powe
Two Genie 2's on same LAN network?
So I have a client who has 15 tv's each with a dtv wired client. He has two dishes, two accounts and two genie 2's. Seperate Moca networks. As per my discussions with a veteran DTV tech that helps me with these large installs he has told me that I can't connect two genie 2's to the same LAN netw
I can very much relate to your post. I am 72 years old and loved weather ondemand. I was able to see how the weather was where my sisters live and Icould visit my favorite cities. I think it's very cruel of AT&T to removethis channel from their lineu
What happened to Weather on Demand?
What happened to weather on demand? We keep paying more & more,but end getting less & less. Seriously considering changing to anothercable provider.
In the new app under Manage Settings > Receiver Control, the only rooms that show up are Deck and Bedroom. Those rooms are at my sisters house. I have 5 rooms with DTV in each. They do not appear in the app. This has got to be the problem.
Unable to access premium channels
On my DTV app from my iPhone, I am unable to see any premium channels. When I try and access 3rd party apps to the premium channelsit says I don’t have a subscription but I do. This has been going on for over a month.
Mine was an unusual situation. It was because I had two accounts one for myself and one for my sister. It was taking the information from my sisters account rather than from mine. My sister did not have showtime anytime or any of the other premium ch
Unable to access Showtime Anytime through DIRECTV
Unable to access Showtime Anytime, Epix or STARZ apps through DIRECTV subscription. I keep getting an error message on all three apps that I don’t subscribe but I do. I have spent hours on the phone with DirecTV technicians along with chat sessions to no avail. I have deleted and re-downloaded all a
Yes it involves my sisters ZIP Code. Since then I’ve been able to pull up the new interface on my iPhone and it works correctly. They never resolved the problem on my PC though. The PC is still on the old DIRECTV interface. Thanks for the advice. I f
DirecTv is ignoring my issue
I am unable to access my DirecTV on my PC because DTV has entered the wrong zip code into my interface. They are not acting on my request to correct this issue. This has been ongoing for close to a year now.
It’s sad 2 or 3 yrs later these clowns can’t figure this out. I’m trying to release two lines from sisters account and they say it’s unified but for over a year now she’s been getting two separate bills because she deunified it over a year ago. Now t
unified billing
what a freaking disaster!!!!!! anyone having issues?????? I made the mistake of unifying my wireless with uverse tv and internet!! WHAT A NIGHTMARE...DO NOT UNIFY YOUR BILLS!!!! After speaking with multiple different reps and finally Ashley the supervisor in unified billing..I still somehow owe $300
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Official Solution
watch movies at the theater
How do I go about going to the movies theater to watch a movie for free
Watching DIRECTV
tired at this point and I feel as though Ive been robbed for too much money. Ive requested the African American channel BOUNCE for over five years now and still you mfs disregard us as black customers. I along with thousands of friends, coworkers, re
Why is BOUNCE TV not an option for ATT Uverse? I have 4 accounts with ATT Uverse and am considering switching if Bounce TV is not added to the station listings. Regards, Lolita [edited for privacy-please do not post personal or unique information such as but not limited to full names, employee ID
As an aside, I support both your decisions. My BluRay is an early model that doesn't support playback, but when I get a new one I'll do the same as you. Mediashare and Directv2PC are the weak sisters of the Directv family and haven't been upgraded
Directv Cinema Connection Kit with IMAC Computer
I was wondering would the cinema connection kit work with an imac rather than a regular cpu?
Cannot Connect to Internet to DVR!!
I have the most simple internet conection and for some reason my dvr wont even try and connect. My LCD tv, xbox, home computer, sisters lap top anything I throw at it never has a problem loging on the the internet. Well I called Direct tv and they couldnt help me. They told me to post here. Well I h
DIRECTV Equipment
Certain Channels Will Not Record -History Shows Cancelled??
Look at guide and has record icon - have missed Desperate Housewives two weeks in a row - Brothers and Sisters right afterwards records fine. I had to do quite a few resets during bad weather -I am getting shows recording that I do not want to record - Kept getting E-channel program recording all da
DIRECTV Equipment
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How could you change payment due dates to the first of themonth?
Social Security disability allotments aren't posted until the first of the month. Is this a ploy to increase your revenue by having your disabled customers incur late-payment charges? For shame. AT&T.
U-verse TV Account
HD upgrade failed - still want Component out receiver.
My sisters HD upgrade mayfail due to reception issues (trees). If so, I would still like to upgrade her receiver from their current D12700 as that has no Component out. Reason being, they are getting a new TV. The new TV has NO S-Video in, only HDMI, Component and Composite. I'd prefer her to use Co
DIRECTV Equipment
Is there anyone working in the Identity Theft Depatment?
We are currently on our third round of attempting to reach someone in the Identity Theft Department. I am in hour two of what seems like eternal hold, while my wife had spent a total of six hours on two separate occasions to try to reach this mysterious department. I called the AT&T Uverse Fraud lin
U-verse TV Account
Direct Tv-Visual Collaborator
I was very frustrated with getting into my sisters account and called about her billing with Direct TV. I was bounced back and forth by both Att and Direct TV, finally ending up with Att. I was attempting to take the billing off MC and put it on checking. The man ccould tell
Anyone in the United States work there?
Is there any way to speak to management? I do not want to be offensive however I can not understand whatever language customer service representative is speaking. And I need some answers.
U-verse TV Account
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Official Solution
Can I get directv installed in my vacation home and only pay for it for the months that I am there?
Can I get directv installed in my vacation home and only pay for it for the months that I am there?
The HT-IS100 BRAVIA theater micro system volume code
Looking for a remote code so I can use my Direct TV remote to change the volume on my SONY Surround Sound system. Every SONY code from Direct TV I have tried only controls the TV volume, which I have turned off, since I hooked up the theater system. Must be a code for the surround sound volume I can
DIRECTV Equipment
theft I will be reporting to the BBB
if auto pay wasn't canceled it would of came out on July 1st not July 29th yall stole out my account that I canceled
Will you please check again regarding my sisters account in my account. I pay my sisters account online. But the DIRECTV app always defaults to my sisters account and ZIP Code. Her ZIP Code is 63119. My ZIP Code is 63132. My sister does not have any
3 years ago
to the conversation:
Unable to access premium channels
On my DTV app from my iPhone, I am unable to see any premium channels. When I try and access 3rd party apps to the premium channelsit says I don’t have a subscription but I do. This has been going on for over a month.