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no signal from wireless uverse tv to home theatre projector
I am having issue getting signal to my home projector. I have a wireless uverse box hooked up to my home projector but i'm not getting any signal. Initially i had no problem (watched a few times) but now i can't get any signal. when I try holding the power button for 10 seconds to restart the box,
Watching U-verse TV
I am only getting signal on the even transponders and no signal on the odd ones.I have already done a hard reset and nothing.Do I need to call for a signal resend?
DIRECTV Equipment
Loss of signal ALL THE TIME!
Why is it that when I had to switch over to HD receivers the signal loss happens all the time? When we had standard recovers we only lost signal when it snowed. Now, the slightest bit of rain and it craps out!! Anyone else have this issue and what can I do? I have 2 kids with Autism and when signal
Watching DIRECTV
Splitting the LNB signal
I have two HD DVR's and one standard receiver. My Slimline has 4 lines but I need 5 to use dual tuners on both DVR's. Is there a way to split the LNB signal to accomplish this?
DIRECTV Equipment
The signal meter goes to 100% signal and then back down to 0%. Is my dish alined correct or are trees in the way?
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Lost TV Signal
I have ATT UVerse cable TV and internet. My internet is working, but not TV.The TV signal will only stay on for about 10 sec, then the picture freezed, and gave lost signal message. When I switched to different channel, the TV signal starts again for about 10 sec, then lost again. I even reboot the
Watching U-verse TV
fading signal
my signal keeps fading out all the time. In the evening I lose the signal for awhile and then it comes back.
Watching DIRECTV
Second tv keeps losing the signal
My second tv in the back of the house keeps losing the signal. I have reset it several times tonight and in the past few days. I loose the WiFi signal from there occasionally as well. Is there something I can do to fix this?
U-verse TV Equipment
signal trouble
I was trying to setup my dish and get a signal with no luck,When i took the lnb out to hook up a signal meter the signal came in when i was holding the lnd in my hand, So i messed with it for a little while put it back together and with elevation lower than it should be the signal came in first at 7
DIRECTV Equipment
lost signal
Why does the Direct TV signal go off when I turn off my DVD Sony Home Theatre System receiver?. When I turn the DVD system back on and it takes several minutes to reload and gain sat signal again? The Sony system is connected direct to the TV and is not connected to the Direct TV receiver.
DIRECTV Equipment
Lost signal
I have 2 receivers. One is working fine, the other has a searching for signal message. I cannot access the program guide on the receiver that cannot receive the signal. I contacted the support number and went through the steps to reset including trying to refresh the signal online. The signal is sti
DIRECTV Equipment
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Official Solution
DIRECTV Satellite 99 No Signal
My DIRECTV dish is a SWM 3 LNB and has no signal on 99 but ok signal on 103 and really strong signal on 101 and 119. Could that mean that the LNB is shot for 99 or is the dish pointed at 101, 103, and 119 instead of 99, 101, 103?? Thanks. Btw, I don't want to go on my roof and I am also only using a
DIRECTV Equipment
Sat Signal vs. Signal Strength
I am trying to connect another receiver to my dish and when running the Sat Dish setup I get the message "A satellite signal could not be detected" but when I check the signal strength most transponders are at 87+. It won't load anthing for the guide and says "Searching for satellite signal." Plea
DIRECTV Equipment
Lost Signal
I'm currently having a problem. During the day my 3 dish receivers pick up a signal all day. At nightfall, all 3 TVs cut out and show the searching for signal screen.Driving me crazy. The weather has been fine. Actually it is raining now during the day and still working. Am I just going crazy or is
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
how do i set up my satelite to recieve the best signal
lost satelite signal 0 signal strength
DIRECTV Equipment
no signal
I am having a problem recieving some of my channels.I am getting 0% signal strength on transponders 10 through 18. All of the other transponders have 94 to 98% signal strength. What is the problem?
DIRECTV Equipment
UVerse signal
I recently posted about signal loss on second tv. I moved the little black box which relays the signal to the bedroom tv and it worked. A simple solution but I now have a signal.
U-verse TV Equipment
Signal Loss
Every time A thunder storm is anywhere near my house my signal gets so weak I have picture pixilation and temporary complete signal loss. I've been working with Uverse to resolve this problem and they are CLUELESS. When I ask them where the satelite is that receives this signal and transmits it thro
Watching U-verse TV