

32 Messages

Monday, October 21st, 2019 7:42 PM

Guide ONLY Showing 1 week of upcoming tv listings?

The Guide is Only Showing 1 week of upcoming tv listings?


Any Ideas??





3.6K Messages

5 years ago

Uh oh, not that again!


Until or unless others report the problem in your area (Missouri) of the country there isn't much you can do except go into each of the programs scheduled for that week and change some schedule setting for it and then change it back.  That will work until next week where you have to do it all over again.  This is assuming it's the same problem that occurred last year (or whenever, don't recall exactly) where it started popping up in various regions of the country one by one.  They would fix one region and another would get it.  But they eventually got it all fixed.  Or now, maybe not.


It took enough reports (posts, hopefully to the same thread, yours will do) before att would take it seriously.  So that's why I said others need to report it too to confirm it's regional.


Just in case it's only you, try rebooting the gateway (pull plug for 15 secs. and let it fully reboot) and after that the dvr (pull plug for 15 secs.) and see if you the next week scheduling back.



32 Messages

5 years ago

2 weeks of listings show up on the iPhone app but it says failed when I try to record something more than 1 week ahead of today.



3.6K Messages

5 years ago

If the dvr doesn't allow you to schedule the recording (or it thinks the schedule is not available for the scheduled date and time) then I don't believe it can be scheduled.  I don't know how the app works but IMO the only thing that "counts" is what the dvr schedules no matter how you access that information.  Bottom line, IMO, the app don't count.


Go to that time/date in the dvr's guide or grid and schedule it there and then see if it shows up in your app.  If it's a series then go to that time/date and bring up the series info (or go to your series settings).  Change the SHOW TYPE to the opposite of what it currently says then save.  Then change the SHOW TYPE back to what you originally had and save.  Now see if it shows up as scheduled in the grid and your app.  If it does show (in the grid at least, don't know about the app) then the old problem is back.  If so you will have to do the same thing all over again about Sunday if your are scheduling for the next week since this touching of a series setting only lasts till the weekend.


Again. did you try rebooting the gateway and then the dvr just to eliminate those as a source of the problem?


If the "touching a series scheduling" trick doesn't work then this is a new problem with no solution.  And there won't be any until some sort of critical mass is reached in complaints.



4 Messages

5 years ago

My TV Guide does not show anything past 5 PM on October 31.   I wanted to schedule a few movies to record airing on November 1 & 2, and as of this morning still can't.   Also does not show any of my series set to record past that date & time either.   I am in the Baton Rouge area.  



3 Messages

5 years ago

I am having the same problem. My program guide stops on 10/27. I have tried rebooting both the gateway as well as the dvr, both doing nothing to fix the problem. I am in the st louis area



2 Messages

5 years ago

My guide also stops at around 7:00pm on Sunday October 27th. I checked with my friend who also has U-verse and they have the same problem. We're both in the St. Louis, Missouri area.



3.6K Messages

5 years ago

Ok, some other reports are starting to be posted on this.  I just hope they see this thread and all post here to keep them all in one single thread.


FWIW the same problem occurred near the beginning of this year (here's my post on it with references to some others - but don't post there, post here so they don't get lost in an old thread).



2 Messages

5 years ago

I also want to add that there are some programs on the guide are incorrect. As an example, last night's St. Louis Blues game was listed as a St. Louis Cardinals game and the upcoming Indiana Pacers game on Fox Sports Indiana tomorrow is showing as College Baseball. When you do a search, it shows up correctly but records under the incorrect name/time.



3.6K Messages

5 years ago

@brad328 - please don't add off topic problems to this thread since I don't believe scheduling information is related in any way to the guide not going out its usual 12 days.  Programming data coming from the originating source (network or local station) to att's grid provider and then to att are a distinct problem.  I recommend you start your own thread on that problem if you wish.  Keep this one on the one topic.



3 Messages

5 years ago

I actually called and talked to ATT and the guy had no idea what was going on. He said to wait until tomorrow and see if it got fixed, but unfortunately its been this way for several days. You can actually go into menu and search programs, and they show up after the 27th, however if you click on them, nothing happens.

ACE - Professor


8.2K Messages

5 years ago

@_xyzzy_ wrote:

Ok, some other reports are starting to be posted on this.  I just hope they see this thread and all post here to keep them all in one single thread.


FWIW the same problem occurred near the beginning of this year (here's my post on it with references to some others - but don't post there, post here so they don't get lost in an old thread).


I know your intentions are good, but I can be in this forum and start a thread regarding a DirecTV billing issue and place it in AT&T mobility.


You're asking way too much here.

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

ACE - Professor


8.2K Messages

5 years ago

I'm also seeing it in Central Ohio. It's currently 1:22am on Wednesday, 10/23.


The guide should be going to 7pm or 8pm on Tuesday, 11/5.


However, it seemingly stops at 8pm on Saturday, 11/2. I can see no shows starting after that time. My scheduled recordings used to go 60+ long. It's now at 49 shows and stopping late Friday 11/1 PM.


I have no idea how long it's been like this, as I left early Friday morning on vacation and got back late Sunday night with minimal TV watching since.

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.



3.6K Messages

5 years ago

Ok, so at the time I did the check for this post the grid only goes out to 11/1.  So it's about 2 days short (10 instead of 12).  I don't think that's something to be too worried about IMO, yet.  If it had lost the record scheduling starting next week that would be the old problem and that was serious.  But it hasn't (for me at least scheduling ends on Fri 11/1, I have nothing scheduled for Sat. 11/1 anyhow, and the grid ends early 11/2, 5PM, nothing scheduled till later, so I have to wait a day to check) so this may be new problem but it still may be regional.  From the posts in this thread: Missouri, Texas, Ohio, Illinois, Louisiana.  Sort of the central US.**


So the question is, come this weekend will the scheduling go out past 11/1?  Heck will it go out all of 11/2 by tomorrow?  And if so will my scheduling be there?


FWIW I'm in California.  So maybe it's not my turn ... yet.

** This is one of the reasons to have all these posts in one thread.  Makes it easy to just see what the posters use in the profile inf for their location.



2 Messages

5 years ago

I am having this problem in Florida.  I thought it might have something to do with the time change as it seems to end on Saturday night when the time will fall back.



3 Messages

5 years ago

Just wanted to let everyone know, that at least for me the issue seems to be fixed. I checked this morning and the guide goes out to 11/5 and all my recordings are scheduled.