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1 Message
When are you going to resolve the problem with TEGNA?
When are you going to resolve the problem with TEGNA? It's disrupting my service in watching WFSS (channel 8 - ABC) in my area. Customers should not have to deal with the petty problems between Uverse and TEGNA. Work it out or lose a long time subscriber.
New Member
1 Message
4 years ago
I am absolutely LIVID about this. One thing to block The Voice, but to deprive us of the Natl Treasure, Alex Trebek, is despicable. To these cos, it's just $$$. Just left a message with Tegna hotline, too. At this sad time in our country, to deprive us of the 30 minutes of joy with Jeopardy and our beloved AT, you all should just rot in (Edited per community guidelines).
New Member
2 Messages
4 years ago
Agreed and I am upset!!!! One of the only channels I watch is gone!
New Member
2 Messages
4 years ago
If I lose my 1210 station Fox News, I am gone. About the only station I will watch! They better get their act together soon!
New Member
2 Messages
4 years ago
I want Channels 13 and 13.3 back or I want a credit on my bill. Do whatever it takes to make a deal. All of the monthly fees you collect, money should be no problem. You won’t deal and the customers lose.
New Member
2 Messages
4 years ago
This is getting old, it happens every time contract is up for review. Why not start negotiations early you know its coming? Its not about local or cable network as some are stating. For A LOT of us, its about the ability dvr and on demand because we aren't home all-day to see our favorite shows. I'm missing GH. Yes I can probably find and watch shows elsewhere, but then why would I pay you because that is true for EVERYTHING you air.
New Member
2 Messages
4 years ago
are att & tegna still talking so we will get our (note I said not yours or theirs) NBC network programs. feel free answer we at [email scrubbed]
New Member
2 Messages
4 years ago
I am so disappointed in AT&T to hold their customers hostage! This is ridiculous!! I am planning to switch to Comcast/Xfinity as soon as I can get someone to my home! I pay a monthly fee to have the channels and programs I choose - not At&T to choose for me! CBS is a major channel! It is required for my job in order to work at home during NFL Texans games. I cannot afford to have a company hold me hostage and still charge me for full service for a channel I watch every day for my local news and favorite shows! At&t is now losing customers and money for good because it chooses to not pay what other carriers are paying for the service offered, basically taking my money like a bait and switch. Get it done and quit putting loyal long-time customers in the middle of your squabble, while you still have a chance to keep them until they can get changed over to Comcast!
New Member
2 Messages
4 years ago
I was told that if I log into this site, there would be more information on how I could watch ABC. I've been without ABC for almost a week. What's going on?
New Member
2 Messages
4 years ago
Why have you deleted WATN and WLMT and changed WWTW. The likable channels are already few in number, then you take away or change them. It's really not fair. We're paying a very high price for crappy tv and infomercials. Why do you treat good paying customers like this? We want better tv without all these repeat channels and channels selling merchandise!
New Member
3 Messages
4 years ago
When will CBS be back? Will u give me a deal to keep Direct TV? No doubt it has my fave shows so if no great discount I’ll just turn it off and use other methods. No point paying the middle man if he can’t deliver. A lot of people are gunna cut the cord/dish over this. So many have been on the fence about it way before. I’ve been a loyal customer forever, not one late payment. I even have my cell phones thru ATT same thing.
New Member
2 Messages
4 years ago
Will we ever get back the WUPL and WWL channels on U-verse? Not fair that we are paying for something we cannot watch. Will we get refunded for not being able to watch/ Please get this agreement with Tegna done.. Judy Naquin, Houma, Louisiana 12-5-2020
New Member
2 Messages
4 years ago
Those of us who pay to subscribe and pay to Direct TV and ATT, deserve better consideration and service. I have been with direct TV for over 30 years and know I find myself considering dropping both services. Here we are in the midst of a pandemic so the Direct TV, ATT and other interests decide to make it even worse for the American public. Simply unbelievable but, as we know, to increase the bottom line, public be (Edited per community guidelines).
New Member
2 Messages
4 years ago
Your website talks about reasons why we a s AT&T customers should not switch to another provider. The ones listed did not include Xfinity. so why have they not been subject to blackouts because of negotiations by Tegna? And if Tegna does not have them as a client, henceforth thy are not harassed with such treatment. Maybe it is time to switch to Comcast/Xfinity!!!!
New Member
2 Messages
4 years ago
Since TEGNA removed this channel how are we supposed to watch any CBS programming
New Member
2 Messages
4 years ago
Okay children - cut it out! I have 2 points to make about the "Tegna interruption" which we all know is a negotiation. Here are the facts I would like to have addressed: