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June 23rd, 2020
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replied to a comment onX145Who
's post5 years ago
My primary TV works fine. My secondary TV has a “No Signal” message. Nothing has changed except that the TV suddenly does not have a signal. I have tried rebooting the secondary box and it does not help. I cannot speak to a live support person because the computer keeps hanging up on me.
replied to a comment onX145Who
's post5 years ago
My primary TV works fine. My secondary TV has a “No Signal” message. Nothing has changed except that the TV suddenly does not have a signal. I have tried rebooting the secondary box and it does not help. I cannot speak to a live support person because the computer keeps hanging up on me.
The TV is an LG, it is a year old. According to the tech the HDMI port on the Direct TV Mini box, Model C41-100 was not working. The tech removed the HDMI cable and replaced it with a component video cable. The television is now working.
replied to a comment onX145Who
's post5 years ago
My primary TV works fine. My secondary TV has a “No Signal” message. Nothing has changed except that the TV suddenly does not have a signal. I have tried rebooting the secondary box and it does not help. I cannot speak to a live support person because the computer keeps hanging up on me.
I was finally able to speak to a person at customer support. After troubleshooting for 35 minutes they determined that the Direct TV box was defective and scheduled a tech to come out and replace it. Thank you to everyone who tried to help.
replied to a comment onX145Who
's post5 years ago
My primary TV works fine. My secondary TV has a “No Signal” message. Nothing has changed except that the TV suddenly does not have a signal. I have tried rebooting the secondary box and it does not help. I cannot speak to a live support person because the computer keeps hanging up on me.
That is correct. What the TV is not getting a signal from is the Direct TV box. I need to know how to make the box do its job. The TV only has one input. It has been working until now. Nothing has physically changed with the set up. Why is the D
joined community.June 23, 2020
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