New Member


3 Messages

Wednesday, January 25th, 2023 8:31 PM



Try to discontinue our only honest news channel and watch what happens! 

New Member


3 Messages

2 years ago

Who does AT&T think they are to stop the most trustworthy news programs on TV?  

keep banning the real news and see what happens?  

New Member


3 Messages

2 years ago

You must be a communist!  Only those who live in the matrix and are either unethical or literally evil would agree with this insane comment!  

New Member


5 Messages

2 years ago

Roman Nagel

Meanwhile they charge everyone for CNN & MSNBC who’s ratings have been in the basement for years due to their lies such as the Russian collusion (proven false), denying H Biden laptop (proven true), hammering Trump on classified docs and giving Biden a pass. Nobody watches those lying channels and yet they’re free to keep spewing their lies daily. F Direct TV