New Member
2 Messages
I have been a customer since 1993, and am very disappointed when you keep dropping channels that we enjoy. Why would you drop OAN? Why not CNN? Everyone needs to hear both sides of politics, not just one. If OAN is dropped, we will be dropping our service. You continue to drop stations, and keep raising your prices. Not worth it to us.
New Member
6 Messages
3 years ago
They are dropping it due to political reasons thanks to pressure from activist groups.
Use DuckDuckGo for this search, and search for this minus the quotes: "att restores oann"
As you will see, there are countless articles from activist groups along with some MSM like Reuters demanding that DirecTV drops OANN. Many of the articles are from 2021 and earlier. The group "CommonDreams" is the main coalition of agitators/self proclaimed activists behind it.
This pressure ramped up even more beginning around Nov 2021 and has not ceased.
The political aspect of this censorship is entirely about creating a echo chamber, where subscribers are forced to have only 1 viewpoint to choose from if they want to hear anything news related.
New Member
6 Messages
3 years ago
If it was a business decision and not political, then CNN would also be cut as it has seen a 90% drop in ratings compared to this same month last year. It is deadweight for every network to carry at this point.
Rand Paul did a great job crunching the numbers about this.
New Member
6 Messages
3 years ago
He argues with facts so yes, he is credible. Can't say the same for his political counter parts. Especially the ones who backed up the obvious lie that Jussie Smollett tried to pull, and one of them is now VP.
New Member
9 Messages
3 years ago
"Verizon, CenturyLink, or KlowdTV still carry OAN, so far, so you do have choices".....
Really? Choices? The question should be why is it so few choices. Could it be to control the narrative? Hmm. Yes. Yes it is!
Control of the media and the stream of information was one of Hitler's tactics. It doesn't take a genius to connect the dots here.
New Member
4 Messages
3 years ago
Good point streamer22. Allegedly the dentist didn't know how to change the channel the other day. It was on CNN which is everywhere. We just had him turn the tv off. He did, and it was a much better visit...for a dentist visit anyway.