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dgoody99's profile



3 Messages

Saturday, September 16th, 2023 2:30 PM

DirecTV Osprey Box cannot get/keep the correct location/guide data

I have several osprey boxes throughout my house.  After a power outage or device reset, the program guide resets to approximately 12 hours in the future.  All of the devices are hardwired (ethernet) and I am not using any kind of firewall or VPN.  The only way I have found to correct the situation is to connect wirelessly to my cell phone hotspot, let the device correct itself, and then reconnect to ethernet.  I have tried EVERYTHING, including talking to support multiple times.  Please advise ...

Accepted Solution

Community Support


21.2K Messages

1 year ago

@dgoody99 We appreciate you providing us with these details. Since this appears to be an uncommon issue, we would like to thoroughly review and explore all possible solutions. To do so, we will be sending you a DM to assist you further. Angel, DIRECTV Community Specialist



3 Messages

1 year ago

Thank you, Angel ... can't wait to get this issue resolved.

Community Support


21.2K Messages

1 year ago

We are here to help you get this right. 🛠️ We already sent you a Private Note to continue with the assistance. 😄 Andres, DIRECTV Community Specialist



3 Messages

1 year ago

Update:  I have continued to have problems.  Here are the steps I’ve taken:

1.  Got a new public IP address from my ISP

2.  Cancelled my DTV Stream service and registered a new account/subscription

3.  Reset/rebooted every Gemini box I have, multiple times

What I’been able to determine:

1.  I can manually set the date/time and get a box and guide to work.  Temporarily.

2.  When the box is powered off or completely reset/rebooted, the guide returns to August 20th at approximately 10:00pm

3.  The kernel version on my boxes is: 4.9333-1-27-a release-r-enc-37.3-5   DIRECTV@Kernel#1 … Sat Aug 19 2:38:50 UTC 2023

i find it interesting that the timestamp on kernel matches the time that my box resets to, each time it reboots. 

The saga continues …

Community Support


21.2K Messages

1 year ago

Hello. Thank you for sharing these details with us. I'm sorry to hear that your location guide data doesn't match properly. I'm sending you a PM to investigate further, please check your messages. Dylan, DIRECTV Community Specialist


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