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34 Messages

Friday, May 31st, 2024 4:05 PM

LG TV and DirecTV Streaming App

I've been advised to use an ethernet connection rather than the Gemini Air device as that device is not working consistently and I keep getting "no internet" messages when there is internet and it corrects when I click off wifi and click it back on.  We have a new LG tv. I am extremely disappointed that DirecTV does not have an app available on LG tv. This should have been communicated at the time I got the DirecTV service. It was not.

Now, I must purchase a Roku which I have never bought nor used. I am clueless as to which Roku will work best with my LG Class 3 OLED tv and also how to set it up.

Can anyone advise or offer help with this? I am not a technological (Edited per community guidelines) but this is new territory for me!

Community Support


254.9K Messages

10 months ago

Hi, @Carpshr. We value your input regarding the compatibility issue of the DIRECTV App with LG TV. I've sent you a DM to assist you further with your Gemini Air device.  Ariane, DIRECTV Community Specialist

ACE - New Member


3.5K Messages

10 months ago

I thought your issue with internet was resolved in another thread. You told me that using an ethernet cable with a Gemini box solved your problems


34 Messages

10 months ago

I thought it had. Everything was great for a couple of days. Then we started getting the no internet messages again. 

Here is where I am a novice ... we've been accessing DirecTV through the Gemini Air. I am now not sure if the ethernet was actually working or if the Gemini was shocked back into service ... if I unplug it and plug it back in we have no trouble connecting.  Next day or a few hours later we have to repeat all over again.

Do you know if I am correct in thinking that if I use ethernet connection I need to download the DirecTV app? If so, it does not exist for LG tvs which is why I've been looking into Roku.

The Gemini Air is wifi so I realized that the ethernet won't help it with a conenction. Correct?

Community Support


254.9K Messages

10 months ago

Yes, you're correct. You should be able to connect your Gemini Air to a Wi-Fi connection with no issue. In order to further assist you and check on your Gemini Air device, it is required to authenticate your account. Please follow the authentication link we sent you in DM to access your account. Ariane, DIRECTV Community Specialist

34 Messages

10 months ago

I have not received a DM with authentication link since March 29 and it has expired.

Community Support


254.9K Messages

10 months ago

Sorry to hear that. We'll be sending you a DM again for further assistance. Ariane, DIRECTV Community Specialist

ACE - New Member


3.5K Messages

10 months ago

Gemini Air doesn't have an ethernet port. It's wifi only. So, what exactly did you plug your Ethernet cable from your internet modem into?? Gemini Box has an Ethernet port. I thought you said in the other thread you have a box. Now you are saying you have the Air dongle


34 Messages

10 months ago

I have not received a new link. I'm not sure I need to communicate further. A rep has already confirmed that Roku should solve the problem.

I know the gemini is wifi and it is not reliable. We've had too many problems with it -- both with a Samsung tv and now our new LG tv. We even got a replacement gemini. Our wifi works just fine with devices that are a floor away from our modem. The gemini is in the room next door to it. 

My question was not whether the gemini air is wifi but rather that am I correct in thinking connecting the tv with an ethernet would require us to download the DirecTV app? I am assuming an ethernet conenction would by pass they gemini.

34 Messages

10 months ago

Dear Ludwick577 -- I plugged it into the wall data jack behind the tv. The data jack is wired internally directly to our modem in the next room. We renovated our space and these wires were installed during renovation.

ACE - New Member


3.5K Messages

10 months ago

I realize how you connected your internet cable to the wall but which device did you connect the internet cable to from the wall??? I'm still confused you said in the other thread that you have a Gemini box and that you connected an ethernet cable to it. Did that actually happen or what did you connect your ethernet cable into (please don't say the wall) because if you plugged it into your TV that's not going to fix the issues with a Gemini air device or Gemini box


34 Messages

10 months ago

My bad communication and apologies! I connected the ethernet cable into the tv and then into the wall data jack/port. And, changed the tv network setting from wifi to ethernet. I didn't think to take the gemini out of its HDMI 1 location. 

Because we cannot download a DirecTV app (it doesn't exist for LG tvs), and I never detached the gemini, I believe the gemini is how we get access to DirecTV even with the ethernet installed.

In the last few days I've unplugged the gemini in disgust and plugged it back in and it works like a dream for awhile. Then the "no internet" messages start up again.

A DirecTV rep messaged me that a Roku would be a great solution. I take this to mean I am correct in thinking we need to download the DirecTV app with Roku and ditch the gemini and the DT remote.

Is this any more clear?  Thanks so much for your help. I appreciate it more than you can know!

34 Messages

10 months ago

Additional info ... we have a gemini air device, not a gemini box.

ACE - New Member


3.5K Messages

10 months ago

You do realize there's two DirecTV devices called Gemini. One is called a Gemini box which has an Ethernet port and the other is a Gemini Air which is a dongle that goes on the back of your TV and does not have an Ethernet port. You told me in the other thread that you had a Gemini box so what you're telling me today is that you don't have a box and that you have a Gemini air with Wi-Fi only.

The whole point of telling you to get an ethernet cable was because you said you had a Gemini box so I'm not sure how you think plugging your ethernet cable into your TV is going to solve your issue with a Gemini air wifi... which is completely separate

Good luck


34 Messages

10 months ago

We are new subscribers to DirecTV. I was not aware that they issued a “box” at some point prior to the Gemini air. They have discontinued it and it is not an option. 

So, my error, I guess, in calling what hangs off the HDMI port a box.  

34 Messages

10 months ago

I had assumed I would use the Ethernet and download the DirecTV app 

That is not an option as the app is not available for LG tvs. All around this has been a very frustrating experience. 

I hope you have a good weekend, Ludwick577 and thank you again for your time and thoughts.