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Saturday, February 18th, 2023 7:59 PM

Will we ever be able to alter the DVR recording times

One of the things I loved about the DVR service through DirecTV Satellite was the ability to alter the start and stop recording times as well as the duration.  Sadly, I often miss the very beginning of some shows I record because the shows start before the DVR starts recording.  I had the same problem with some shows I recorded through Satellite, but I could adjust the start time to remedy that.  I also could adjust the end record time for those shows that would run over an hour sometimes.  

ACE - New Member


3.5K Messages

2 years ago

I've never had an issue with the DVR cutting off the beginning or ending of shows. What shows are you seeing this on? 


New Member


10 Messages

2 years ago

FBI on CBS.  Law and Order on NBC.  Ghosts on CBS.  Chicago Med on NBC.  It seems to happen to the 7 PM MT shows.  However, I record all of the FBIs in a row.  So, the 8 PM MT and 9 PM MT FBIs have no issue.  The same goes for the Law and Orders and the Chicagos on NBC.  Oh, it happens on Bluebloods on CBS as well.  Like I said, I had the same issue when I was on Satellite, but I could adjust the start recording time.  Thus, will we ever be able to adjust start and stop recording times, as well as recording duration, with Stream's DVR?  

ACE - New Member


3.5K Messages

2 years ago

So--it's all local channel shows. Odd. I record a few of those same shows and they are never cut off.  Which device are you using?

ACE - New Member


1.6K Messages

2 years ago

I hear you I have had this happen to me multiple times.  Unforcualtly, we cannot answer that question as we do not have access to the inner workings of Directv Corporate Offices we are all just customers here like you.  The only way I have been able to fix this problem is to record the shows that come before your show or the show that follows the one you are recording so you have your full show.  Sorry I could not be more helpful and give you a solution to your problem.  But there are a lot of people this happens to.

New Member


10 Messages

2 years ago

Hopefully, more features will be added to the DVR, allowing for the same control as the DTV Satellite DVRs.  

ACE - New Member


3.5K Messages

2 years ago

I asked which device you are using?

New Member


10 Messages

2 years ago

@Ludwick577 are you asking which TV platform I'm using? If so, Roku. 

New Member


10 Messages

2 years ago

Is there a way that we can give suggestions?  A suggestion box, if you will?

ACE - Expert


6.3K Messages

2 years ago

You can voice your concerns to a rep via Twitter or Facebook. Will it matter, no idea.

New Member


10 Messages

2 years ago

@bcbsncjlj I don't use Twitter.  But I'm on Facebook.  What is the name of the Facebook page?  I ask because sometimes there are lots of FB pages with a company's name, but not all of them are officially associated with the company.  Thanks.

ACE - Expert


6.3K Messages

2 years ago

At the bottom of this page are the links to Facebook and Twitter, etc.