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Heartland Season 11 question
According to the UP channel website, Heartland season 11 will preview on February 28 at 9:00 pm. To date, it is not appearing on the U-verse UP channel guide. On that date/time, "Americas Funniest Videos," is scheduled. I want to record the Heartland season 11 but can’t for obvious reasons. Can s
Watching U-verse TV
Heartland from Canada
I'm new to AT&T Uverse and I can't find what channel Heartland comes on. Anyone know? Thanks in advance!
Watching U-verse TV
Heartland Season 11 start date
According to the UP channel website, Heartland season 11 will preview on February 28 at 9:00 pm. To date, it is not appearing on the U-verse UP channel guide. On that date/time, "Americas Funniest Videos," is scheduled. I want to record the Heartland season 11 but can’t for obvious reasons. Can s
Watching U-verse TV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Christmas channel
Is there a channel dedicated to Christmas movies?
Watching U-verse TV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Christmas Shows for at&t 2014
I would like to ask what specific channel can at&t offer that can offer christmas videos or movies? (So we can meet up with Hallmark?)
Watching U-verse TV
Christmas App 2024
Hi i have been waiting for the Christmas App on direct TV to come put its now December 10th and it had not came out when will it come back on?
Watching DIRECTV
Christmas music Scrooge move
I just got off phone with directv. Told them they shouldn't be charging extra for Christmas music. She couldn't locate an issue and said it was a problem on my end. Told me to reboot the receiver and I would be good to go. When that didn't work then I was transferred to tech support...and the call d
Watching DIRECTV
Hallmark Channel To Show Christmas Movies All Year Round
Here is some good news from The Hallmark Channel for all of you who want to watch Christmas movies all year round. "Know anyone whose Christmas tree goes up before Thanksgiving and stays up until Valentine's Day? Have a friend who goes Christmas shopping year-round? Maybe know someone who schedule
Watching U-verse TV
The Hallmark Channels Christmas 2015
I hope that all of you from the last five years who were upset by the fact that the Hallmark channels were no longer a part of the U-verse lineup are happy and satisfied that you have the Hallmark channels back this holiday season. I wonder how many of those unhappy subscribers who threatened to l
Watching U-verse TV
Suddenly no Signal today CHRISTMAS!!!!!
Right in the middle of "A Christmas Story" our signal died. Cannot find signal! Now what kinda Christmas is it NOT to be able to watch A Christmas Story?!?!?!?! Are ya'll experiencing problems or is it just us??? We need our Ralphie Christmas Fix!!!!!!!!
DIRECTV Equipment
Christmas TV... 720p or 1080p?
After a lot of research I had settled on a Sony Bravia KDL 32 EX400. Just days away from pulling the trigger. But only today have I read that there are virtually no broadcast or cable channels that transmit in 1080p. We do not have, or plan to have a BluRay. We are not gamers, and we only very
Watching DIRECTV
Cozi tv available
Want to know if it's available on Direct tv now or if Heartland is on any channel.
Watching DIRECTV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
How can we watch the Christmas special airing on NBC tonight at 7 PM.?
If we record it on DVR will we be able to watch it later? I am angry. We are not getting what we paid for.
Watching U-verse TV
Got a Wii for Christmas,...
how do we plug it in and make it work? We don't have enough plugs on our TV, so it needs to go in our reciever or bluray, but we can't get either one to work. Can anyone help? Thank you and Merry Christmas!
DIRECTV Equipment
What Channel is CBC?
Does anybody know what channel Canadian Broacasting Company is on? That is CBC, and I don't find it in the channel line up which sucks since Heartland starts again on October 4. I can't find it in the list and it is a major network!
Watching U-verse TV
They're not 100% Christmas music, but they're playing a fair number of Christmas songs with their regular music.
Sonic Tap Holiday Channels
I got an email saying that Sonic Tap holiday music is on 801, 808, 866, 1nd 867. The only one that I am receiving Christmas music on is 801. Will that change?
dhascall, The Mostly Christmas website that is referred to as "This" site has all the Hallmark Christmas movies listed on it and the other shows are regular television shows that have a 30 minute christmas show these are not movies like the Hallmark
Where is the Hallmark Channel?
I am new to At&t U verus. I was told when I signed up the Hallmark Channel was available. It took me a week to finally realize you don't have it. Very misleading.
@ks5103339831 wrote:dhascall, The Mostly Christmas website that is referred to as "This" site has all the Hallmark Christmas movies listed on it and the other shows are regular television shows that have a 30 minute christmas show these are not movie
Where is the Hallmark Channel?
I am new to At&t U verus. I was told when I signed up the Hallmark Channel was available. It took me a week to finally realize you don't have it. Very misleading.
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
My ATT Yule Log has a continous "U-Verse SHOWCASE LOGO"
I think the Yule Log TV Fireplace is a cute idea, but why the logo of U-verse Showcase??? as well as advertising cookie's poping up periodictly. This is only a part time almost Christmas Gift.Thanks somewhat.. Don't you think a artsey "Yule log" would look more Holidiay'sh with out the LOGO? & Ad's.
Watching U-verse TV
I found reruns of Heartland on UP tv, channels 369 and hd is 1369. The fact that these are reruns probably implies that the series of new episodes for this season are over.
8 years ago
to the conversation:
Heartland from Canada
I'm new to AT&T Uverse and I can't find what channel Heartland comes on. Anyone know? Thanks in advance!