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@glenrock wrote: Isn't DirecTV a minority owner of NHL Network? So AT&T now owns part of a channel it doesn't offer on U-verse. Come on and fix this. It's been long enough. According to Wikipedia, NBCUniversal in the minority owner. NBCUniversal i
Why does AT&T U-verse not have the NHL channel in the lineup?
I pay for the NHL App that provides me with all of the games because U-Verse does not carry local games even when I have the local fox sports net for my favorite team, the Blackhawks. Eventhought I pay for the app, they black me out from watching the Blackhawks when they are on the NHL network. Th
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The brand of box that you get will depend on the market you are in. A majority of the AT&T U-Verse markets use Motorola equipment, a minority use the Cisco equipment. Each market carries only one brand, not both.Both the Motorola and Cisco equipment
Question about manufacturers of boxes
I am considering getting U-Verse and I am not totally clear on if you guys use Motorola or Cisco boxes. I come from a Motorola Cable box and was wondering if I could see demos of the interface on both those brands if you offere both.
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I am missing one of my rewards card
I am missing one of my rewards card, only one came in and I tried calling the 1800 number but just gave me the run around
U-verse TV Equipment
forgot to return one of my remotes
I forgot to return one of my remote. Do I still take it to UPS or mail direct
U-verse TV Equipment
No Signal on one of two receivers
When i check the signal on the bad receiver, i get O on all of the even sat. What could be the problem???? Only have two standard receivers. The other one works fine. Dish is a round dish and only has one lnb.
DIRECTV Equipment
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One of my wireless receivers freezes all the time.
I have 2 wireless receivers. One of them freezes all the time. They have replaced the receiver and the WAP and it continues to happen. I have swapped out the 2 wireless receivers and the one location that freezes continues to freeze after I swap out the receivers. I have also move
U-verse TV Equipment
Replace one of our Cisco ISB7005 wireless receivers
I need to replace one of our Cisco ISB7005 wireless do I set it up with AT&T?
U-verse TV Equipment
One of our tvs intermittently freezes and/or pixalates
Why does one of our TVs intermittently freeze and/or pixalate? Sometimes it is much worse than other times.
Watching U-verse TV
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How to cancel service to one of my DVR boxes
How to disable service to one of my DVR boxes...Why?? It’s in my teenage sons room and I’d like to have the option of punishing him by disabling cable reception to his television without the trouble of entering his junky smelly room or calling att!!!
U-verse TV Equipment
One of my locations was deleted!
My sons receiver was some how deleted. I tried to add it back by going to “whole house” and adding a location. I entered the PIN number it provided and I got an error message stating “ You have reached the maximum number of locations (3). Please select on replace a location to replace one of your ex
DIRECTV Equipment
Is one of the tuners going bad?
One out of every dozen recordings has a bit of sputtering, pixelation, hiccoughing — the kind of interference you might get in bad weather; more annoying than unwatchable. Just once has a program been unwatchable. Always different channels. No real pattern but it is happening more and more. One time
DIRECTV Equipment
Record one - watch one
Hope this is the proper forum.I think I know i have the capability to watch one show and record a 2nd. So far I have not been successful in doing this. The good news is I think I know why. According to a search here, I should have two cables connected to the back of the DVR. I have one coming ou
DIRECTV Equipment
Gettin intermittent buzz of one local HD channel.
I had my Directv upgraded to HD the week of Christmas. Well DTV sent out "Bubba the Drunk" to do the upgrade, hereto referred as BTD. I have always installed and maintained my own equipment for the last 14 years but DTV said they would have the perform the upgrade. Well BTD showed up ill prepared an
DIRECTV Equipment
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Official Solution
Is NHL HD one of the channels included in the Sports Package?
Is NHL HD one of the channels included in the Sports Package?
Watching U-verse TV
Deleting one show randomly deletes all of them
Anyone else having a problem with their DVR since the last update with the DVR randomly deleting all shows of a series when only one show is chosen for deletion? Been having this issue for weeks now, delete one Family Guy episode and poof they all get deleted and the freed space corresponds to all
DIRECTV Equipment
I didnt receive one of my rewards
I was suppose to receive 2 reward card one for 50 dollars and one for 200 dollars i never received my 50 dollar it was suppose to be here last Monday
U-verse TV Account
Issues with one of my wired receivers..
I have two wired U-Verse receivers and one is not working. It is stuck in reset mode but never actually resets. I have gone through all the troubleshooting steps and now I cant get it to turn off unless I unplug the power button. Do you think I am in need of a replacement wired receiver?
U-verse TV Equipment
pixelation on one of two dvr tuners
I've been having pixelation problems with one of my HD-DVR's. Last night I was watching HBO-HD (CH 501) which began to pixelate really bad. Using DoublePlay, I switched to the other tuner and the pixelation stopped. My setup includes 2 HR22-100's, 3 H21-200's, and 1 D12-300 connected via a SWM-8 m
DIRECTV Equipment
And most of us would rather prices not increase in the first place. You would rather the price jump first, I would suggest you are in the minority on that one.
4 years ago
to the conversation:
Turn off DirecTV Genie "screen saver"
About a month ago, when I pause my Genie (or its client) for just a few moments, the Genie goes into a "screen saver" slide show mode. It starts this slide show after, like, a minute -- I go get a sip of water, and there you go, I'm watching unwanted ads.I get deluged with enough ads already.