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shelf life
what is the reason to have a 30 day shelf life of the recorded shows on devices?
DIRECTV Equipment
U-verse TV and Digital Life
When will you include Digital Life capabilities into U-verse TV? For example, I currently receive camera notifications on my iPhone. Will you ever include notifications on the TV similar to your landline service?
Watching U-verse TV
Digital life app on Direct tv
Why am I getting this message when I launch the digital life app on my Direct Tv system?... Problem Found...Sorry! The issue you are experiencing requires assistance. Please call Digital Life support at 855-288-2727...and they can't resolve the problem.
Watching DIRECTV
Directv tv app and digital life
Directv tv app and digital lifeI called directv technical support in regards to the digital life app on the directv extra tab. I am still not able to view my camera or any of my digital life system on the tv. They keep transferring me over to at&t and they inform me that they need to transfer me bac
Watching DIRECTV
Game 4
All I wanna do in life is watch the games tonight and my account won't let me long in it was working perfectly fine last why is this happening to me
Watching U-verse TV
Digital Life
It is unbelievable how there is NO loyalty with AT&T. I have been a customer for 15+ years have my wireless, TV, Internet and now digital life and yet they will not do anything for me. I sold my house and living in an apartment and because they offer services in the same zip code, not my apartment,
U-verse TV Account
Digital Life experiences?
Hello, I just signed up today for Digital Life through Best Buy because they had a nice promo with ATT and I needed home security. My install isn't for another couple weeks however I am reading a few things that are putting me off. I personally would like to hear experiences with DL so far as well a
Watching U-verse TV
Not Getting Jewish Life Channel #366
My package says I'm supposed to get the Jewish Life channel, but I don't get it (#366). I wrote to customer service, but they just told me to re-set the receiver, which I've done twice, but still no channel. Anyone have any ideas what might be wrong/missing?Thanks,
DIRECTV Equipment
4 DVR's
I have 4 HD DVR's that are on my whole house network. Can I control the to do list for all of them from ant DVR?
DIRECTV Equipment
Free HBO for life
I have been reading the remarks that that have been replied to from whatever the robot is making the statements but that is not true. Around 2016 I was a DIRECTV customer and I switched from Verizon to AT&T and I got free HBO for life actually I got to pick what channel I want it my girlfriend p
Watching DIRECTV
channel 4 indianapolis change
Wttv 4 you carry in the indianapolis area currently.It is becoming cbs wttv 4 and the old channel 4 is becoming digital channel 4.2. Will you be carrying channel 4.2 and what channel number if you are?
Watching U-verse TV
Kansas City Channel 4
Did Att lose the contract to Channel 4 in Kansas City
Watching U-verse TV
Komo 4 Outage
I keep getting an outage notice on KOMO 4 ABC for Oct. 19???
Watching DIRECTV
Fox and Friends time slot
Fox and Friends runs from 6 to 9 every morning. Since Thursday, Sept 1 instead of running for a full 3 hours at one time so you can record it, it is now running in 3, 1 hour increments. I have tried everything at my end including resetting the tv. Direct tv says its a Fox issue but friends with cabl
Watching DIRECTV
4 K
When technician installed my HR54-200 I asked if it was 4 K and he responded that it was and would work with my Samsung 4K tv. However I have not been able to tune to a 4K program and now wonder if it needs the mini to work. Can I just swap a mini with the main unit and have it work as it should?J
DIRECTV Equipment
I phone 4
Still cannot record using Dtv app!!! Ive unistalled, cleared my login. Tried from my girlfriends phone. We are still unable to record!!! Does dtv app work for i phone 4 (4.0.1)???
Watching DIRECTV
4 months of misinformation
After 10 years with Direct TV and one account in 2 locations....we have spent 15 hours on the phone and 4 months of confusion with managing 3 receivers. Overbilled and total misinformation by numerous agents that promise issue is taken care, but now are told it can’t be done. Latest info is recei
Discovery Life
The channel is restricted but yet I am paying to stream this just for this channel will I get a refund this has been going on for months now?
Service Guy No Show 4 Times
The Service Guy for Direct TV scheduled 4 separate appointments to service my elderly mother’s tv because the satellite was never probably secured in the ground. He didn’t show each of these 4 times. Is anyone else receiving this extremely poor level of customer service from AT&T?
DIRECTV Equipment