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When will AT&T U-verse be available in the Fort Hood, Texas?
I am inquiring when ATT U-verse will be available in the Fort Hood, Texas and surrounding areas? Fort Hood is the largest military installation in the United states with a huge population of civilian contractors, retirees, and active duty and family members. When will this area be activated for U-ve
U-verse TV Equipment
Unfortunately, there is no way to block purchases at this time. You could try contacting customer service to see if you could get a refund but the likely hood of getting a refund for 2 movies would be slim. Sorry, I couldn't be more helpful.
How do I Block purchases
So a child had accidentally rented 2 movies on my direct TV stream and I want to know how I can block purchases I turned on parental controls but I didn't see anything indicating blocking purchases
NASCAR has hood winked all you mindless people into their,astronomically over priced, entertainment, so called sport they call racing in a very majestic way. I for one give them an A+ for their marketing and choice of(who else} FOX Network to carry,
What is the update on Fox sports, ATT and NASCAR? How soon can we expect NASCAR races to be aired?
@vandan50 wrote:NASCAR has hood winked all you mindless people into their,astronomically over priced, entertainment, so called sport they call racing in a very majestic way. I for one give them an A+ for their marketing and choice of(who else} FOX Ne
What is the update on Fox sports, ATT and NASCAR? How soon can we expect NASCAR races to be aired?
We have google fiber now so att lost out. We were the first neighbor hood to get google. After att left me hanging so long I finally canceled and signed up with xfinity
I know it's not available. WHEN will it be available in my area?
I'm not sure this message belongs here, but like everything at ATT lately, I couldn't find anywhere better to ask it in less than an hour. We've been loyal ATT customers for nearly a decade. I pay for DSL (3.0) residential Internet service, which is the max offered here. I love its rel
watching a movie on ppv
tried to watch Robin Hood, ch 125 1080 P, I have a H23/600 update sofeware 0x440c , 08/24/2010, Native off. On the hd box the 1080 i light was on, when the movie came on ,the 720 P light also came on,,, then the picture started breaking up ?? So now both lights were on 1080 i,720 P,,??, I called te
Watching DIRECTV
If I recall correctly, I faxed the two estimates to Sedgwick, the claims management people. I know that they did not send anyone out, perhaps because the estimates were within reason. I was not looking to make a dime off of the situation....just fi
AT&T Technican Scratched Hardwood Floor
Yesterday AT&T installed U-verse TV and the technician scratched my hardwood floor helping me move a file cabinet in place. I had slid the file cabinet on the area rug so it was temporarily away from the wall and still sitting on the area rug on top of hardwood floor. He tried to pivot the file cabi
When we were installed back in '07, the tech fell through my (garage) ceiling making a huge hole and the sheetrock damaged the hood of the car that was sitting there. The tech filed a report on the spot so I was ahead of the game. I got estimates (
AT&T Technican Scratched Hardwood Floor
Yesterday AT&T installed U-verse TV and the technician scratched my hardwood floor helping me move a file cabinet in place. I had slid the file cabinet on the area rug so it was temporarily away from the wall and still sitting on the area rug on top of hardwood floor. He tried to pivot the file cabi
Hi, it's Robin (Edited to remove personal information). I was wondering when my TV package would be renewed.
Watching DIRECTV
@vandan50 wrote: NASCAR has hood winked all you mindless people into their,astronomically over priced, entertainment, so called sport they call racing in a very majestic way. I for one give them an A+ for their marketing and choice of(who else} FO
What is the update on Fox sports, ATT and NASCAR? How soon can we expect NASCAR races to be aired?
There was a situation in my neighbor hood when regualr home phone service cable needed to be buried.. Before the tech could even touch it, he needed information from the power, gas and water companies first.And due to being bought out by a new owner
burying a cable
We have called a least three times regarding the need for our cable to be buried. All three times AT&T technicians have arrived at our house to inform me that the burying of the cable is contracted out!!! I still need the cable buried, can AT&T contact the proper contractor to bury our cable and s
My house is currently set up for directv the last people that lived here had it till they left I’m kinda in a time crunch because today is only afternoon I can be around in there time but there saying none of the installers can get here till tomorrow to do it just wounder if someone had a way around
DIRECTV Equipment
Well I called them and complained about it all. They sent a different company out to swap out a new box....lo and behold I now have clear HD pq. They called the prior install company and talked to the supervisors supervisor and I now have 6 months fr
HD is very Fuzzy and Blurry
I just switched to Directv from Time Warner. The HD channels are very Blurry and Fuzzy. Nothing at all like I had from Time Warner. To take it a step further I hooked up an indoor antenna and the difference between the antenna and the hd receiver for local channels is sickening.So it is definitely s
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Part of The Menu is cut off of the screen
Hi. Part of the menu is cut off of the screen and i dont know how to fix it, and its really hard to navigate through On Demand. On the Guide its cuts off the channel name(like the 3-5 letter abreviation of the channel) and the time at the time is cut off to and i would really like to know how to fix
U-verse TV Equipment
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Official Solution
Out of the country
Why does my directv app not work out of the US?
Watching DIRECTV
Jumpy Audio / Video
Okay, here's my situation. I have a brand new Dell Inspiron N7010 laptop. It's completely up-to-date with drivers. It is Blu-ray capable and plays Blu-ray discs in full 720P with no problems whatsover. However, Directv2PC video is nearly unwatchable because of constant sputters (extremely jumpy audi
Watching DIRECTV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Purpose of the battery??
The battery left by the tech I am assuming is included in our package; and I am not going to be charged extra. Am I wrong in assuming that the sole purpose of this battery; is for when our power goes out. I am guessing the battery is specifically to keep the power the "Residential Gateway" in th eve
U-verse TV Equipment
@Pro1A I have to say the Wackadoodles are still trying to close all but far socialistic ideologies. The real fear is that the truth shows the false hood of the real fake media and they are afraid of finding out their whole narrative has been a li
Dropping worthless channels and their carriage fees
Now that all the whack-a-doodles have left DirecTV Stream because their beloved "Twighlight Zone" channel, OAN, is no longer broadcast, DirecTV should also drop the Newsmax channel and stop paying the carriage fees associated with it. Why subsidize a channel that hates subsidies from consumers w
If I would have know it was going to do this, I wouldn't have gotten local channels. We live in an area that just now finally got them. Had to make three calls to tech services after the guy left, to get it working right and to get the programmin
Problems with hookups
Recently got local channels and had to get a new HD box & dish. The tech did not hook up anything but the TV, so we've had problems with getting the VCR, surround sound and extra TVs to work. The TV no longer runs through the VCR like it did before, and we had an addtional cable out to a splitter
Good for you and thanks for keeping us posted. I just reached over and grasped my BB adapter (laying on the desk next to my router) and it's quite warm as well, maybe as hot as the hood of a car on a sunny day.
14 years ago
to the conversation:
Whole Home DVR Setup
Hey guys, I'm really wanting to upgrade my system to WHDVR. I come and read these forums every day and you guys are awesome (especially dcd, peds, and litz). I feel I am 99.9% sure I know what I need but figured I'd have you guys verify it for me before I spend the money. I currently have a SWM (gre