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Santa Tracker 2018 U-verse
Twas the time before Christmas, when all through the house,Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.The TVs were on for everyone to stare,In hopes that the Santa Tracker would be there.As everyone prepared for their slumber and got their night cap,We were all excited to see the Santa Tracker Ap
Watching U-verse TV
Santa Tracker 2019
Where is santa tracker? I got direct TV just for santa tracker and it is not there.
Watching DIRECTV
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Bears game in Denver?
I am in the Charlotte, NC, market and can't find the Bears v. Broncos game @ 4:25 coming up on Sunday, 9/15. I do have DirecTV and NFL Sunday Ticket.
Watching DIRECTV
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Santa Tracker on Uverse
Will the animations of Santa Clause in his sleigh flying over different parts of the world be brought back this year on the Santa Tracker. We were all disappointed last year that these animations were removed and only gave educational tidbits about the places shown. My 7 and 4 y/o are more intereste
Watching U-verse TV
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Official Solution
Santa Tracker Free??
Are the games, music videos, and movies on the Santa Tracker channel free?
Watching U-verse TV
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Santa Tracker
Is there a Santa tracker this year for direct tv?
Watching DIRECTV
Santa Tracker 2023
Is there a Santa Tracker for 2023? I found the Yule Log, I just can't find the Santa Tracker!
Watching U-verse TV
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Official Solution
Santa Tracker 2020
Is there an interactive Santa tracker channel for AT&T uverse this year?
Watching U-verse TV
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Official Solution
Where is the holiday interactive channel with Santa Tracker?
where is the holiday interactive channel with Santa Tracker? AT&T keeps sending me emails about all the free holiday entertainment..... where is it. We are all stuck at us Santa Tracker!!!!
Watching U-verse TV
Looking for Santa Tracker? Take a look at the original.
Some are missing Santa Tracker on U-verse, since AT&T is only offering it on DirecTV this year. Well, why not take a look at the original source for this holiday staple? The Official NORAD Santa Tracker is still maintained by the people at NORAD, continuing a tradition started by a misprinted phone
Watching U-verse TV
Need help to view the SANTA channel 198
Turned on the SANTA channel 198 on 11/30/2020 and it was on a few minutes then a software update came on. Since it downloaded I have not been able to view the SANTA channel. All I get now ie the DIRECT TV logo. Please help, I am looking forward to playing the games and earning tokens.
Watching DIRECTV
Santa Tracker 2020
Why is there no Santa Tracker on UVerse this year?? My kids are disappointed. Who’s the Scrooge that decided to take it off this year?
Watching U-verse TV
Holiday Entertainment and Santa Tracker!
Tune to channel 188 on DIRECTV Satellite and enjoy the interactive TV app filled with holiday movies, family-friendly holiday games, sing-alongs, read-along books, & more. You can also track Santa on his journey around the globe on Christmas Eve!
Watching DIRECTV
Santa Tracker 2023
Is there a Santa Tracker this year? If so, does anyone know what channel or when it starts if it has not started yet.
Watching DIRECTV
Santa Tracker App 2018
Will Santa Tracker App be available this year? If so, what is the time period? I have a 6 year old who is looking for the channel
Watching U-verse TV