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Set up Satellite
I travel for work and was at one location for over a year and had directv come out and set up a satellite but I have moved to my next location and Im trying to set the satellite up on my own without having to have them come out. Anyone know how I go about doing so?(finding the right location) is the
DIRECTV Equipment
account set up
i have uverse tv and internet .i d like to set up my account because i pay via the message i see on my screen tv. and i do not remember anything can i set it up using the phone number the open it
Watching U-verse TV
Set up question
I have an 8 port SWM set up..They are all being used, mainly because i Have two DVR's on that set up, I need another DVR set up, how would I do this? Or can I even? Should I order it online and have them come install it? If so, can they do that with my set up or?Thanks
DIRECTV Equipment
Remote set up
I can't select the "ok" when the message appears for "your remote is now set up for rf".
DIRECTV Equipment
set up system
i want to set up eight tvs in a room to watch eight football games on NFL sunday ticket i can use the swm dish to set it up right and i need eight receivers and if i buy the receivers not lease from directv do i still have to pay money for having each recivers ?
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
How do you set up the iHeart Radio on the TV?
how do you set up the iheart on the tv
Watching U-verse TV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Favorite list set up
How do I set up favorite list on my S20/30 remote?
U-verse TV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Didn’t record the program I set up
I programmed my DirectTV to record the season premiere of “God Friended Me“, but 60 minutes ran over into the programming time slot and I had to watch the recorded final half hour of 60 minutes and only saw 30 minutes of the show that I wanted to see. Now I have to PAY to see the end of the show th
Watching DIRECTV
home theater set up
How do I connect my Direct h20 box to a receiver, blue ray player and a lcd tv. Thank you
DIRECTV Equipment
Tailgate set up
I have a SLIMLINE KAKU SWM DISH 5 LNBF, and an HD21 receiver. Besides cables, what do I need to set this up at a tailgate? I have the power supply ready but not sure what other equipment is needed....
DIRECTV Equipment
RV Set Up
I bought the same slimline dish that I have at my house from the recommendation as the dish salesman due to the newest HD boxes I have...we set it up at my camp this past weekend and used the directions, satellite pointer, and could not get a read on the dish...Is there a simple way to fix this to m
DIRECTV Equipment
Unsupported System Set Up
I'm new to HD DVR and just found out about the Whole Home System recently. Tonight I was able to connect one of my HD DVRs to the internet using a wifi adapter. The wifi adapter is set up to connect to our router (no switch). If I set up our second HD DVR in the same way, will this work for the Wh
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
How do I set up autopay?
How do I set up autopay for my U-verse bill?
U-verse TV Account
set up streaming
I have directv premier. My brother lives in PA. I gave him my login and password to set up on the computer and/or stream to his roku or phone. It keeps saying the logon and password are locked out. I just reset it. What is the trick for streaming away from the house, where my dish
Watching DIRECTV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
How do i set up acct online
Trying to set up acct online
Whole home Set up Help please
I moved some stuff around this weekend, and forgot to mark the set up..I need a diagram or something to to help me set up again. Just what goes where starting with the main room with the power inserter..Please help.
DIRECTV Equipment
set up recording off the little box(2nd one)
the main dvr is in the livingroom and the other box is in my bedroom i want to set up recording in my bedroom and when i do it keeps putting it on the one downstairs how do i switch that so it records in my bedroom???
DIRECTV Equipment
Trying to set up account
I have been trying to sign up for DirecTv for a week now. I have created a login and password but everytime I try to select a package and set up payment I get a message "It's not you it's us. We are experiencing issues and logging you out. Please try again later. " I have tried to
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Set up recording from remote location
I forgot to set up recording of show this evening and trying to do it remotely. Can this be done?
Watching U-verse TV