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4 Messages

Thursday, May 14th, 2020 4:09 AM

F&T only

There is a charge on my bill labeled F&T ONLY - $40 off TV for 12 mos U-fam+ 1 yr term

Whatever this is it is due to expire soon. I have no idea what it refers to. Can anyone identify what this means?

ACE - Expert


28.3K Messages

5 years ago

Fees & Taxes?

New Member


4 Messages


Thanks for your suggestion! That would be a good guess at the meaning of F&T, but I can't imagine increase of $40 for that...hmmm...looks like I am going to have to spend 5 hours waiting on the phone!



34K Messages

5 years ago

looks like your promotional 40 dollars off will soon expire and your bill will go up 40 dollars a month for 12 months you have left on your contract

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4 Messages

@Constructive  Thanks for your response. I realize my bill is going to increase, but I don't know what this F&T mean. Someone suggested Fees and Taxes...but $40. worth?? I tried to chat with a rep, but I have a better chance of getting a date with Johnny Depp!

ACE - Expert


36.9K Messages

5 years ago

F&T is most likely shorthand for some imaginative package name known only to sales people in the call center. Like "Fiber & TV," "Family & Turtles," or "Films & Teletubbies." I am assuming that this line item is a $40 credit.

New Member


4 Messages


Thanks...I think you and the others are correct. I finally reached AT&T by phone. They always have an excuse as to why they are charging more. I am definitely going to research other means of watching TV! It's crazy to have to keep calling and asking for some promotional pricing.