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No internet service AND now a 4th repair man coming in 3 weeks😫
I am beyond frustrated. I recently subscribed to the U200 everything package. Previously I had only internet, no TV, and had no problems. But since subscribing to the new package 3 weeks ago, I have had intermittent service. Quite frankly, it works less than it does! I have had numerous, lengthy phone calls with AT&T and 3 service calls. Do you understand the amount of time that requires from my work, my family, my time? I find it unacceptable. And, now, I have yet another repair man coming to ‘take a look.’ Does your CEO have such time? As an educator for a large school district, I haven’t anymore time for this, AND my voice will speak loudly to my fellow educators about my experience with AT&T. Help me, I just want what I’m paying for.
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