

3 Messages

Friday, November 9th, 2012 3:39 AM

Understanding my bill at-a-glance

I need some help understanding my bill.

Previous Balance - $43.89
Payment (Thank You) - $43.89CR
Adjustments - $0.00
Balance - $0.00
New Charges - $19.95

I want to know what does the CR in my payment mean. If I'm not mistaken it means I have extra money leftover, and therefore I shouldn't have to pay the $19.95 for this month until my CR is depleted.


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1.3K Messages

12 years ago

No, that is not what that means.  


CR = Credit.  Your account was credited for a payment in the amount of $43.89.  You have a balance due in the amount of $19.95 which needs to be paid.



3 Messages

12 years ago

What is the point of crediting my account for the payment of $43.89? Just another fancy way of saying how much I payed since the bill was bigger than any other times?

ACE - Expert


36.9K Messages

12 years ago

That's how they show your payment.  It'll show 19.95 next month, assuming you pay the amount due.




3 Messages

12 years ago

So really the "CR" means absolutely nothing at all? I didn't get it on other bills I payed for before.



3.2K Messages

12 years ago

Kensitux3 -

Payments are by definition a credit to deduct them from any balance.

So, as you are pointing out, there is no need to mark it as a CR.

If it is marked CR it is redundant. Can we agree that redundant would be more accurate than meaningless?

Maybe att changed their method of showing this activity. They decided to mark all deductions as CR instead of just the categories that could be either a charge or a credit.



1 Message

11 years ago

What if on the app for AT&T it says that totally payment due is $100.00CR what exactly does that mean. Do I owe that much?



3.2K Messages

11 years ago

Jm529 - Usually, when a bill indicates a credit , it means the company owes you & it will be deducted from future charges.