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5 Messages

Tuesday, October 17th, 2023 6:47 PM

BUGS with the Series Recording settings and indication, not just on Amazon Firestick/Firecube app, but on web page access to "DVR" as well!

I'm deleting series both on my Amazon Firecube Gen 3 as well as online in my DirecTV Stream web login.  Online shows the bug that I've been having where the program keeps on recording even though the DIrecTV Stream app in Firecube says it's no longer set to record a series.

Since I checked online today, I cancel the series recording on a bookmark of a program and when I go back in or refresh the page, it is indicating that the series will record again.  There is a MAJOR bug somewhere in the series recording system!!!

Also, in the Firestick/Firecube app, some programs that are still set for series recording will after some period of time no longer indicate series recording is set.  Even though they still record while indicating there is no series recording set, I have to go in a reselect series recording for the correct indication to show up in the app.

Like I said, I just checked the online web page version in my account for the DVR management for the Streaming service, and even it proved as stated above that there are some serious bugs with the series recording status on both the web version and the Amazon Firestick/Firecube version methods of access to Series Recording settings and indications!

It seems to occur mostly with ESPN affiliated networks for not being able to delete a series recordings.  The incorrect indication of shows set for series recording on the Amazon Firecube/stick app is regardless of network where it quits indicating that it's set for series recording but keeps recording properly.

The web version of the DVR seems to show the correct indication and I am having problems mostly with deleting series recordings for ESPN affiliated channels/shows (even though on the bookmarks on the Firecube app these shows actually indicate there is NO series recording set  for them).  It's really weird.  I am a retired electrical engineer, so not a novice with tech).

Community Support


254.9K Messages

1 year ago

Hello, thank you for bringing up this situation with the DVR function when setting and deleting recordings for the series. We want to step in and take a closer look at this with you. We will send you a DM to gather more details. Andres, DIRECTV Community Specialist

5 Messages

1 year ago

That's fine.  I've done major testing and troubleshooting and just finally went to the web page version and realized it was not all just limited to Amazon Fire series app on Gen 3 Firecubes.

This is of course a separate login from my Stream account since I had to create it while finding the forum via Google searches.  I use a different email address for this.
