New Member
3 Messages
Can't find profile of program to set a recording even though it's an old show
Alert: missing person's unit I was trying to search for that show and I couldn't find it to set a recording for the next season, even though it's had two seasons already and probably had a profile.
I understand it takes up space to keep episodes of series in the servers but it doesn't take much space to keep profile pages.
I know licensing agreements are the reason why they don't have old episodes.
Is there any way you could always keep the profile of a show in your server even if you don't have episodes of it?
ACE - New Member
3.4K Messages
8 days ago
If the show isn't on in the next 2 weeks you won't be able to find it...even though it has had past seasons. The guide only goes up 14 days I believe.
Community Support
254.5K Messages
8 days ago
Hi, @Gralwalters. We understand you prefer to keep a program profile to easily record. Please know that DIRECTV occasionally removes content we don't have the rights to air. Moreover, search results may differ between the web and the Osprey, as the Osprey offers more options for viewing a specific program. Kesiah, DIRECTV Community Specialist