10 Messages
Crackling audio
This has been discussed in the past but I do not see anything recent or any solutions posted. I decided to try the 5 day trial of Stream DirectTV because of issues with my Xfinity streaming app regarding audio drop out. I am using the latest Apple TV device connected to a Denon AVR and then a Samsung Smart TV 4K. There are 2 front speaker, center speaker and subwoofer. Speaker settings are at nominal. Everything is up to date with OS. After downloading the Stream DirectTV app, I picked a movie at random to evaluate picture quality etc. During a passage where things became louder due to gunfire and helicopter noise, there was very noticeable crackling in the speakers. I tried watching the same movie on my Xfinity app at the exact same point in the movie and there was absolutely no unusual sounds or artifacts. I tried adjusting ATV settings for audio, but it did not help. I deleted/ re-installed the StreamDirectTV app multiple times but it did not change things. Turned systems off and on multiple times and nothing. I bypassed the AVR and went straight into the TV and the crackling was present again. Regardless of going straight into the TV or AVR, even at low listening volumes, the crackling is there. I tried watching the same movie on another TV in my home with the 1st generation ATV going through an AVR and the same thing, but NOT with the Xfinity streaming app. I've tried reversing the HDMI cables, plugging the HDMI into a different HDMI port on my TV or a non HDMI-ARC port on my receiver, but the same thing happens. The audio settings on the ATV devIce is either Atmos or 5.1 but it did not matter either. I called tech support from DirectTV and they seemed convinced that it was a hardware issue with my ATV. After their usual canned responses and lame attempts at troubleshooting, they suggested that I call Apple. So I called Apple tech support and he said I did a pretty good job at demonstrating that this was NOT a hardware issue and could not help me. I called DirectTV again and the rep again tried to trouble shoot with no change in the problem. She was going to escalate this to another level, which should have been done a long time ago. Any way, I wonder if anyone out there has ever found or been told on how to resolve this. I already know many out there have had this problem with other streaming devices, but I cannot find anyone posting any kind of resolution. Any help would be appreciated, otherwise, this streaming platform does not appear to be a viable alternative.
Community Support
254.9K Messages
2 months ago
Hi, @osroubek. Thank you for signing up for the free trial and we apologize you're still having issues after multiple attempts of trying to resolve. We want to investigate the crackling audio issue. Which movie and how far into the movie are you noticing the crackling? We're sending you a DM, so we can take a look at your account. Denjylene, DIRECTV Community Specialist
ACE - Sage
46.4K Messages
2 months ago
What happens if you view using a different streaming device, such as your smartphone or tablet?
10 Messages
2 months ago
Hi. I tried the same movie on my iPhone 16 MaxPro and the audio played fine. I would imagine the streaming app for a phone or iPad is different from the version on my Apple TV? The same movie on an Xfinity streaming app on my ATV plays fine.
ACE - Sage
46.4K Messages
2 months ago
Yes, the Apps are different. You've done some great troubleshooting. Clearly, the issue is with the DirecTV Stream App on those Apple TV devices. I use several different Roku devices and a Google TV streamer with no issues.
10 Messages
2 months ago
Thanks for your feedback. Most of my effort was trying to convince tech support that it's probably the app and my interface. The last person I spoke with was very nice and was a supervisor. Seemed to know a great deal more in general and also believed the app was at fault. But I have read about this issue with others going back a few years!
Community Support
254.9K Messages
2 months ago
Thank you for confirming. Please check your inbox, we've sent you a DM to assist you further. Denjylene, DIRECTV Community Specialist
10 Messages
2 months ago
I have not received anything
Community Support
254.9K Messages
2 months ago
Click the DM icon (speech bubble) in the upper right, between the notification bell and "directv.com" to view our message. You must be logged into your account to access it. John, DIRECTV Community Specialist
10 Messages
2 months ago
While I am waiting for support to follow up the above, I'm wondering if anyone with similar equipment ( Apple TV version 3 + stereo receiver) using DTV streaming app, if they notice a drop in the volume of any channel being played by at least 30%. I see this has been discussed in the past but I also have not really seen any solutions. I checked my TV settings and any controls to automatically reduce volume are OFF. The receiver does not have a feature as far as I know after going through the menus. All the other app, Netflix, Xfininty etc all play at the same volume. Not sure if it is due to some other audio format DTV stream is using. Even by changing my receiver audio settings from surround to everything available including MONO, the volume is still much lower than any other app. Not sure why so much work has to go into getting things to work like everything else.
Community Support
254.9K Messages
2 months ago
Hi, @osroubek. Can you please try these steps:
1. Try using a non-surround sound, just stereo.
2. Try swapping out HDMI cables to see if the issue persists.
Let us know how it goes. Roland, DIRECTV Community Specialist
10 Messages
2 months ago
I bought new HDMI (2.1) cables 2 days ago. The volume when streaming with Stream Direct tv is lower on every audio setting my receiver has and on every channel or movie including stereo settings as you suggested. I also lose the center channel by doing what you suggest. Nothing has changed despite configuration changes etc suggested by your team. I don’t understand why your support team fails to think the app has a problem!
10 Messages
2 months ago
When I say lower volume in the above post I mean lower in volume than any other app I have on my Apple TV; Netflix, Xfinity stream app, YouTube …
Community Support
254.9K Messages
2 months ago
We've sent this to our team for additional review, and we'll share an update as soon as it's available. DIRECTV values your patience. Rizza, DIRECTV Community Specialist
Community Support
254.9K Messages
2 months ago
Can we try disconnecting the surround sound system and see if the TV volume is normal? Let us know the results, and we appreciate your help. Charles, DIRECTV Community Specialist
10 Messages
2 months ago
Hello. I disconnected the stereo AVR and went from Apple TV directly into the TV. The audio coming out of the TV speakers appeared to have the same volume level using the Xfinity streaming app or Stream DirecTV app. When I connected Apple TV to the receiver and then out to the TV what seems to be happening is that the center channel volume drops and dialog is heard in the center and both R/ L speakers. This is regardless of what setting I use on my receiver, stereo, surround, multi channel etc. So it seems when connected to Stream DirecTV the audio is reduced to the center speaker and distributed to all the speakers. Using Xfininty, dialog is primarily coming out of the center speaker and music / non dialog is coming from the side speakers which is how it is supposed to sound. I know I can just go into settings and turn up the center speaker output, but then it will be too loud for other programing in other apps such as Netflix, Youtube etc