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19 Messages

Tuesday, November 15th, 2022 7:21 AM

DirecTV App Closes or Times-Out?

Okay, I don't even know what to call these things yet. Not used to this streaming terminology. Only been here 2 weeks and every day, I fall asleep to my TV. When I wake up, DirecTV app is off and I'm watching some other app on my TV. Every single day/night.

I've never had so many problems with internet & TV programming in my long life. Don't think I like it much. Too much reading, too much searching and dinking with things. Why does the app shut off by itself? I've looked within the menus of my Samsung TV, but have come across nothing to explain this phenomenon. It's annoying, because I expect to still be looking at whatever station I was viewing when I fell asleep.

Accepted Solution

ACE - New Member


5.2K Messages

2 years ago

It’s probably one of the glitches with the Samsung TV DIRECTV STREAM app. You’d be much happier with a $30 Fire Stick, Roku, or Fire Stick. Additionally, you can get the actual DIRECTV STREAM Osprey Box which has a handy remote similar to your average cable remote. Also, speeds on the Osprey Box are much better than any other streaming device out there. You purchase them on DIRECTV.com, refurbished ones cost $49.99

Accepted Solution

New Member


15 Messages

2 years ago


Hello again from Robert ("Bob") Rentzer.

I understood it was you who went to sleep, not your TV and that you lost the Direct TV  broadcast while you were sleeping.  I thought you had a Direct TV streaming box and now I understand you are streaming Direct TV without a box and when you wake up you TV is still on but no longer on Direct TV.  I am sorry I offered solutions to turn off the power saving mode on a Direct TV box and on a Samsung TV.  I am also sorry I can not offer any suggestions to solve your issue.  My only advice, if you want to have Direct TV broadcasting before you fall asleep and still broadcasting when you wake up, is to get their streaming box from your AT&T store.  There basic "entertainment" package is very reasonable especially since you will own the box and not pay a monthly box rental like other providers.  I had Spectrum in Los Angeles and then Xfinity/Comcast when I moved to Utah 3 years ago and always paid a monthly box rental fee.  I changed my internet provider when Google Fiber went into my area, saved a fortune on that monthly internet cost and that is when I also switched to Direct TV purchasing their boxes which I now own and saving myself the monthly cost of box rentals.  So, unless you are able to come up with a solution the "work around" of purchasing their streaming box, which comes with a remote that even gives you voice commands allowing you to speak your viewing selections, would eliminate your frustration.  Good luck, since I know how issues like you are experiencing pray on the mind.  My own issue is that I have two TVs in the same room set up using the same Direct TV box which sends them their signal through an HDMI splitter.  If I shut them off I can't seem to get them to come back on without one of them loosing its sync and ending up on a different input.  I plan to try a splitter with a built in signal amplifier and if that does not work I will run a better 30 foot HDMI cable to the set that is further from the box which is he one that goes out of sync.  Meanwhile, like you, the annoying issue  prays on my mind.


New Member


15 Messages

2 years ago

Your Direct TV box is in "Power Saving" mode, which turns it off after 4 hours of no activity.  You need to turn "Power Saving" off.  I did it, so here's  how:

Press “Apps” on remote.

Use remote arrows by “O.K” to Scroll to the “Selections” options which start with “Guide”

Use remote arrows by “O.K.” to scroll right to Gear icon & press “O.K.”

Use remote arrows by “O.K.” to scroll down to, “System” & press “O.K.”

Use remote arrows by “O.K.” to select “Display” & press “O.K.”

Use remote arrows by “O.K.” to scroll down to “Power Saving” & press “O.K.”

Power Saving will have “ON” selected, so press “O.K.” which will change it to “OFF”

With Power Saving showing “OFF” shut off Direct T.V. box by selecting “OFF” on remote.

From now on when you turn your Direct TV box on the Power Saving feature will be off.

Robert ("Bob") Rentzer

ACE - New Member


5.2K Messages

2 years ago


This Power Saving feature corresponds with the DIRECTV STREAM box, not Samsung TV.


New Member


15 Messages

2 years ago

Thanks Deutch:

Thanks for your comment.

I did not  notice that the person with  the problem was using Samsug TV.

So, here's another solution:

He can buy an infinite timer that plugs into the wall and can plug  his TV into that.

He can set it to go off every 3 hours 59 minutes and 1 second and to go back on one second after that.  It will then begin a new 4 hour period each time.  It can be set for every day of the week and for as many times in a day he wants.  Actually I ordered a timer like that from Amazon for just $15.00, but discovered how to turn off the power saving mode on my Direct TV boxes, so did not need the timer after all.

Hope that works for the person who sleeps through the pester message that asks,

"Are YouStill Watching."


P.S.  Have a Happy Thanksgiving

New Member


19 Messages

2 years ago

Okay, I don't have a Direct TV box; this is streaming, which is an app. I am using a Samsung TV, but don't have the model handy. This is an app issue. I have a Firestick on that TV, but don't use it. I'll try tonight.

The app goes off, and I have no idea if it's timing out. I'm sleep when it happens.


New Member


15 Messages

2 years ago

Your Samsung TV probably has a power saving feature that you can turn off.

I used Google to search for that using the search term,

"Where is the power saving mode on my Samsung TV?"

I found the following:

  1. Press Home button on your Remote.
  2. From the Home screen, navigate to and select Settings.
  3. Select General.
  4. Select Eco Solution.
  5. Select Power Saving Mode and then select OFF option to disable it.                          

New Member


19 Messages

2 years ago

TV doesn't power off or go into the save feature. When I wake up, it's on. So, it's not waking up by itself if it ever goes to sleep. I'm the one asleep, not my TV. The DirecTV app closes and I'm looking at a Samsung app when I wake up; not a screen saver or darkness @robertrentzer.

New Member


1 Message

2 years ago

I have DIRECTV stream and I view on roku. As of today it’s been trying to load and then just glitches out and goes back to my roku home screen. I’ve uninstalled the app, restarted the roku and checked for updates. So frustrating 

New Member


19 Messages

2 years ago

That's not about this problem I'm describing @Sbsweetheart. You probably need to start your own thread about that one. I'm not using external devices for this to happen. I realize people are talking about all sorts of things in here, but none of them are addressing my issue.

I usually start talking major ish about 'forums', because people are always assuming a great many things and never talking about the same subjects as the OP describes. I'll refrain this time, but it kind of burns my bacon. lol

New Member


19 Messages

2 years ago

I think I figured out what's happening, because I saw a pop-up on my TV from DirecTV today. It asked me if I was still there. What a dumb question; assuming I'm not watching if I don't do anything. What if I'm watching a 3-hour movie? I don't want it asking me that question in the middle of it.

Maybe if I don't respond, it turns off the DirecTV streaming app. They need to allow us to turn that off permanently. I've seen that question on my other TV's, but I'm there to say 'Yes' versus what happens when I fall out with my bedroom TV on. I've not seen what happens if I ignore that pop-up. There's not many preferences when it comes to that app.

New Member


19 Messages

2 years ago

Hi Bob (@robertrentzer). I've had those 2 services as well; Spectrum & Xfinity. I didn't pay Spectrum for their box, but Xfinity costs were crazy. In the past 10 years, I've had both of those. This streaming business is confusing to me, and I have the premiere package with DirecTV. I could swear I had far more channels with those other services than I have with DirecTV, yet I'm paying more for it. Probably the movie channels I'm paying big bucks for. I'm considering getting their satellite dish and not have to deal with 'streaming'. There aren't enough controls with their streaming.

Yes, it plays on my brain when I wake up and am looking at a smart TV app instead of what was on when I nod off. All of my TV's behave differently, because they were made during different years. One in 2016, another in 2019, and my big one a few months ago. The time it takes to load that app is variable depending on the age of my TV's. I have to use my Firestick with my oldest one because its WiFi is broken; it's in my office.

I'll figure it out somehow. Thought maybe somebody had run into this before, but after doing a search, I didn't see anything. I never used to be able to fall asleep with a TV on, but as I age (am an elder), all sorts of things are happening with my body. Hahaha. Will happen to you too!


New Member


15 Messages

2 years ago


I got to comments from you tonight.

One ended with you guessing you are older than I am.

Bet you are wrong there.  I was born 3/7/39.

The other ended with you saying you finally saw the, "Are You Still Watching" message on your Direct TV.  That means my original advice was 100% on the mark.

I told you that message probably comes up when you are sleeping and if you miss it your Direct TV signal turns off.  Problem is that you said you get Direct TV without a Direct TV streaming box.  On a streaming box you can turn it permanently off and never have the signal go off.  Unfortunately I have no idea how to stop it if you are getting your Direct TV over the internet.  That's why I suggested you buy a Direct TV box.

It costs $49.00 refurbished and that solves the problem when you turn off power save.

As for me, I continue to struggle with two TVs in the same room running Direct TV.

Tomorrow I am due to receive an HDMI splitter with a built in signal amplifier.

I am hoping that will solve the problem because the HDMI splitter I was using seems to have gone bad, so I have suddenly not been able to get both TVs on at the sametime without getting a message on one or the other which says, "No Signal," regardless of whether I set the TV giving me that message on HDMI 1 or 2 and plug the HDMI cable into the HDMI 1 or 2 slot on the back of that TV.


New Member


19 Messages

2 years ago

Yes, sir, I saw what you said about the box @robertrentzer. Don't know if it's allowed in this subdivision, because not all services are on in this new "hood". I will check with those folks and see if those boxes are okay with the service I have. Could end up with 3 of them, given all my TV's use that service.

You're right. I'm younger than you. YAY! Hahahaha. I was born in 1957 and if you don't fall asleep with things on in the room, what are you eating? I may have to follow suit, because I fell asleep in a movie theater with everything blaring (Black Panther: Wakanda Forever). Woke up and said, "Oh (Edited per community guidelines), what did I just miss?" LOL

Good luck with that setup of yours. I don't have the patience to learn about this particular technology. I am a master of computers ... not televisions, HDMI tech, DVR's, streaming, satellites, and the likes.


New Member


15 Messages

2 years ago

I DO fall asleep with TV on.  that's exactly why I programed my Direct TV streaming box to turn off the power saver, so the pester message, "Are You Still Watching" never comes up and the signal from the box never turns off unless I turn it off.

I'm also a master of sorts with computers... at least when there was Windows 7.  Now I am on Windows 11 and was fearless enough not to revert to 7, although I was tempted many times.  I toughed it out, but although I was always tweaking the registry in 7, now I stay out of it on my new Dell XPS, which I got last December 9th.  It took me almost that long to get used to Windows 11 and there are still some things I can't do, but they hardly come up so I am not torturing myself over them.  For the moment my crisis is that I can't get the 2 Gigs Google Fiber delivers to its router in my house.  With the help of them I found out my computer's Ethernet port is only giving me 1 Gigabit per second and I need to get a 2.5 or higher new Ethernet card.  I have Dell premium support and their tech never figured that out.  Now that I told him I am waiting for him to get back to me since I want to have then replace my 1 Gig card with their 10 Gig card.

Always something to pain over.