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1 Message

Tuesday, August 13th, 2024 7:08 PM

new menu interface update, "playlist" gone (and memory space % with it)

Instead of having the "playlist" option on the new updated interface, I have to scroll sideways through one of the categories like "continue watching" or "recordings" etc all the way to the end through  15 programs until "view playlist" appears, when it used to be right there as an option/ category near all the others. The other added benefit of the "playlist" menu is that it displays the percentage of space you have left, if you go over which below zero percent, will start DELETING programs to make space for new ones(kind of important) Now will be having to buy more batteries for the remote, as I will be scrolling 15 extra times for it.

ACE - Expert


6.2K Messages

5 months ago

What streaming device are you referring to?

ACE - New Member


1.5K Messages

5 months ago

are you a satellite or stream customer?

2 Messages

5 months ago

Illustrates the real problem nicely. If satellite customers wanted to go to some extremely narrow, algorithmically soul-stripping alternative, we would have. We stuck with satellite because it retains something of what satellite was and until now has been, reasonably: choice. We do NOT want the Tolkein-GOT-antisocial-dystopian programmers' "algorithms" force-feeding us terrible shlock. Clearly, new "interface" is either corporate panic or (prob. more likely, alas), good ol' easiest path to most bucks. Sad.

2 Messages

5 months ago

DirecTV just showed loyal customers what they really think of us: we're nothing but interchangeable sets of data-generating biomass connected to a 28-day-billing cycle autopay-enabled bank account, which reliably generates that most holy of holies, Surplus - which they really, truly, terrifyingly have nothing left to spend on. Oh-so-quaintly dubbing us "subscribers," they whole-heartedly participate in the stripping of human creative thought and conversation by elevating "sports" and reliably, predictably brain-deadening "TV Shows", but in a new and improved interface that looks like Netflix -- so must be cool! Thanks for giving us the shove we needed off the couch, back to the library, to read books before they're burned (er, "not to be distributed in any way" - so sorry, Utah). DirecTV is spineless. 

ACE - Expert


1.2K Messages

5 months ago

I won’t question your right to rant, but you are clearly a satellite service subscriber, and this forum is for streaming, which is a completely different service. If you’d like to communicate with users who might be more relevant to your rant, I’d suggest you post to one of the satellite service forums.