New Member
4 Messages
Numbers vs Letters DTV Streaming Box Remote
Their are both numbers and letters on each button of the remote. Currently, pressing one of the buttons creates a letter. I want the button to create a number. How do you toggle between the two?
Thanks in Advance
ACE - Sage
46.4K Messages
2 years ago
It depends what menu you're in. What exactly are you trying to do?
New Member
4 Messages
2 years ago
No menu. The actual remote control. When you press the #2 button, letters appear on the guide screen rather than the digit #2. Same with all other number buttons. There must be a way to toggle the remote so that pressing 235 enters 253 on the screen rather than three different letters of the alphabet.
New Member
4 Messages
2 years ago
Sorry.... * 235 enters 235 on the screen"
ACE - New Member
1.6K Messages
2 years ago
What device are you using to stream your Directv Streaming Service?
ACE - New Member
1.6K Messages
2 years ago
If you have a Directv Streaming Box your guide might be set to the Alpha guide instead of the Numeric Guide. To check this you would need to go into Settings, then go into Preferences and then go to Guide Sorting then if it has a checkmark in front of Alpha Guide then you will need to switch it to the Numeric Guide then you should be able to be in the guide and type in channel numbers and not get letters.
New Member
4 Messages
2 years ago
Yes, I DTV Streaming box as mentioned in the topic. My elderly Father uses the device. I laminated for him a channel listing in very large fonts and identifying the channel number and entering it directly will be most beneficial for him. Thank you very much!
ACE - Guru
337 Messages
2 years ago
Even better, show him how to use the mic button. If you enable Google Assistant in the box's menu, he can say "channel 2" or "CNN" and it will change it for him. It also works for "captions on" and "captions off" or "go forward 15 mins" or "pause/continue". I'm sure there are other commands but I've never seen a list.