New Member
79 Messages
Stick with DirecTV or Switch to DirecTV Stream?
I've been with DTV for 19 yrs, first with DirecTivos, then hacked DirecTivos (gawd I loved those!) and for the last 8 yrs an HR44, one HR24 and two HR25's.
I do probably 20% live viewing, 80% recorded viewing (usually within 24hrs of recording because these are live sports, but some TV series might take 5-6 days before I watch). My wife is probably 70% live, 30% recorded. So I don't really use up a lot of the hard drive space on the two DVR's for long periods of time.
The one thing that has stopped me from going elsewhere has been the excellent picture quality and the fact that I have 7 tuners. It is not unusual for me to have 5 going at once, many times I need 6 and on a few weekends a year I need all 7. We also make extensive use of 30 sec skip and quick rewind.
We have AT&T Fiber 1000 so bandwidth isn't an issue as Netflix, Prime and HBOMax all run just great. It's just the two of us so we'll never have more than two streams running at the same time and I would never consider watching a stream on a phone or tablet when away from home so that feature is not something I care about.
But I'm beginning to see the handwriting on the wall....the focus on streaming, no replacement for the HR24 should it die (which it seems like it is close to every day of its life), raising prices, etc.
So I'm looking at DTV Stream because it has the closest channel match to the ones we watch on the satellite service. I have a few questions but I also would love some feedback on what our TV viewing life will be like if we switch.....Pros, Cons, showstoppers?
1) DVR Cloud says I can record multiple shows at once but I can't seem to find a definition of "multiple". Obviously if it's less than 7 concurrent shows that's a showstopper.
2) As a current DTV customer I am apparently not eligible for the free unlimited storage. I think I read that I would have to be away from DTV for a long period of time before qualifying as new, so that is not an option. But other services allow a household member to sign up as a "new" customer, so would putting the account in my wife's name qualify or is it based on address?
I would welcome all comments and advice even if it is stick with what we have and enjoy it until something better comes along.
ACE - Sage
46.4K Messages
3 years ago
We recently switched from DirecTV Satellite to DirecTV Stream because trees are now blocking my reception of the 103ºW satellite. And I can't cut them down. We've been very happy with DirecTV Stream. Excellent picture quality. And we can use it anywhere we have internet, which is really nice when traveling in our RV. To answer your specific questions ...
1. Truly multiple. I don't think there's any limit on how many recordings can happen simultaneously. It's all in the cloud, so DVR space is not an issue.
2. Don't tell them you're a current DirecTV Satellite customer. What most folks do is just sign up for DirecTV Stream online using a different email address than their DirecTV Satellite account. Physical address doesn't matter. We actually had both services simultaneously for a couple of months so we could be sure we liked it. This way you look just like a new customer to their system. Then, when you're ready, cancel DirecTV Satellite.
Don't hesitate if you have more questions.
New Member
79 Messages
3 years ago
Thanks for replying. I remember your always helpful posts from the Tivo Community forums so you've been down the same path I've been on with the boxes. Since you know exactly where I'm coming from let me ask you this.
If your tree situation wasn't an issue, knowing what you know now about Stream, would you still stick with Stream?
I've run through a bunch of pages on this forum and don't really see any showstoppers. Most of the issues will not really affect us.
I've got a Chromecast w/GTV on the main set and I see that I can sideload the apk. My office Vizio Smart TV does not show the Stream app but I've got a Fire Cube sitting in the closet I could dust off.
I like to enter channel numbers but my wife scans the guide so she'll be fine.
Is there a QuickTune feature like on the DTV boxes where you can specify a small list of frequently watched channels?
I already knew about the lack of a padding feature, which I use every day. I will just have to get used to adding recordings after the event since most of the sports I record (mostly racing) don't appear in that list that are now being automatically padded (and I wonder how accurate that is anyway). Not a huge deal, and might even be fewer clicks of the remote to do it the new way.
So would the best way forward be to sign up for the free trial with my wife's email? That would give us a chance to make sure we like it and then what happens, we just tell them we want to go full time? I see that the current promo will still be in effect by the time our trial is up, so that's good.
New Member
312 Messages
3 years ago
New Member
79 Messages
3 years ago
Thanks, @GTyz , it's good to hear that maybe I'll be ok with the quick list.
I think I saw an even more extensive listing of sports. Yes, from this link .
It says Note: Sports recordings are automatically extended where content continues to stream beyond the programmer’s scheduled time. Applies to the NFL, MLB, NHL, and NBA leagues, NCAA Football and Basketball (Division I), Soccer (UEFA, FIFA) and PGA Tour Golf. Extended sports recordings contingent upon third-party recording service availability and varies by packages, channel subscriptions & billing region.
ACE - Sage
46.4K Messages
3 years ago
I'm actually glad that the tree issue forced us to consider DirecTV Stream. The trees had become an intermittent issue for the past couple of years depending on the weather, and now that issue is gone. We have 1Gig fiber internet, so plenty of download speed for streaming. And it's quite reliable. But my favorite feature is portability. I can stream live TV and our recordings anywhere we have internet. And it's saving me almost $100 a month in box lease fees. Give it a try. Use a different email address to create a new account. You can cancel at any time if you don't like it.
ACE - Expert
1.2K Messages
3 years ago
While you can record unlimited shows at the same time and there is no overall space limit, there are some DVR limitations:
While you can (I think) sideload an app to the GTV, that isn't supported (and the app in question is actually targeted to FireTV), so there may be issues (it may not work 100% and updates they make can break it).
The auto-extend on sports is based on a signal from the upstream provider, so its accuracy depends on them. (That is also why it doesn't work for all sports - not all source providers offer that signal.)
Community Support
254.9K Messages
3 years ago
For DIRECTV STREAM, in a series recording, you can store max 30 episodes with unlimited hours of cloud DVR and max 10 episodes stored with 20 hours of cloud DVR (oldest deleted first which may be in less than 90 days). Restrictions apply. You can learn more about our DIRECTV STREAM Cloud DVR.
If you want to keep both services, we recommend to create a DIRECTV STREAM account with different credentials to avoid issues with the log in. Learn how to set up your DIRECTV STREAM account here.
Let us know if you have additional questions.
We'll be here for you.
Camila, DIRECTV Community Specialist
New Member
79 Messages
3 years ago
@litzdog911 While the portability aspect doesn't entice me, the fact that you feel it wasn't a step back at all says everything I need to know.
@Jrandomuser Yes, none of the storage limits (even the current level) will affect us. Years ago there were times when we had so many TV series we enjoyed and a lot fewer hours of TV time available, it wasn't uncommon to have maybe 15-20% of free space left on the HR44. And certain series were allowed to accumulate a whole season (so what, 23 episodes?) before I got to them. But with more time and fewer network shows we like and the advent of streaming services, it is rare that I'm using more than 15-20%.
The DTV DVRs are probably described as bare bones. Pick a show, decide to record just one or all episodes (with the addition sub-category of just first-run episodes). All episodes show up under one heading and you can drill down to see the whole list. I don't know what else I would like to see, though, so my needs are pretty meager.
If the app is targeted to FireTV that doesn't bode well for any of the Android-based boxes. FTV has some unique differences....some Android apps don't play well on Amazon Fire devices either. But Stream is early days and I suspect as time goes on everything will start to meld together, much like when we got our Fire Cube and it didn't support HBO Max. Side loaded it and all was fine but Amazon finally got it together and allowed the stock app to be used.
Not a biggie, Amazon can get me a Roku or a new Fire or something else overnight if things do not work out.
Ahh, didn't realize there was a signal for the auto-extend. What I would love to have is that this evolves into a method for the recording to know that ESPN or Fox or some of the other network suddenly decides that an event is running long so they switch to local programming and finish the broadcast on one of their other channels.
New Member
79 Messages
3 years ago
Thanks to all three of you for the advice, much appreciated!
I just pulled the trigger and included two of the refurb C71KW-400 boxes. Seems like that's the best solution at this point and I'll get channel number surfing. Bummer that the trial is only 5 days now and it starts right now but the boxes won't be here until a few days. Guess I'll do the sideload on the Chromecast for now.
ACE - New Member
3.5K Messages
3 years ago
I had Dtv Satellite service for 20 yrs. You'll be happy with the switch and no more having to worry about rain fade, dish alignment, cleaning your dish again. Dtv Stream beats cable tv hands down as well.
New Member
79 Messages
3 years ago
🤣 We don't have "weather" in Northern CA.
In 19+ yrs I can count the number of times we've had rain fade interrupts on two hands and have a few fingers left over. And we're talking each one being maybe 30 seconds of interruption at most.
I have never had the dish realigned (signal strengths are still right up where they have always been) and until you just mentioned it I did not even consider that there might be a need to clean the dish, at least in some parts of the country.
So I'll just have to settle for the better PQ. 😁
Community Support
254.9K Messages
3 years ago
Hi @ferdberferd we want to help with your interrumption issue and clear your doubts on switching the service.
Let's meet in a Direct Message to take a closer look on this. Please check your DIRECTV Message Inbox (It's the chat icon next to the bell icon in the upper right corner of the Forums).
Miguel, DIRECTV Community Specialist
ACE - New Member
3.5K Messages
3 years ago
@ferdberferd Well, I live in Illinois so we do have weather. No need to belittle other people's experiences. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Wow all of your long essay replies and original posts. Someone took their amphetamines today.🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
New Member
79 Messages
3 years ago
O.M.G....DirectTV Help wanted to DM so he ask for any error messages when I got RAIN FADE issue. 🙄
Yes, I do tend to get wordy. I think it's because I see so many people just leave a sentence or two with almost zero details and expect people to figure out how to help them.
New Member
79 Messages
3 years ago
I'm so glad I never had issues with the service in the 19 yrs now that I see the level of ability to actually read and understand. Not only did yet ANOTHER DirecTV Help person DM me about wanting to get to the bottom of my problems with rain fade, when I didn't answer the DM he decided to call me!