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1 Message

Thursday, June 2nd, 2022 3:43 PM


Too many streams 30004-004 message

I can not stream any Fox station (local Tampa), Fox News, Business, or Weather channels.  These are the only ones that yield this message.  I called customer support and was on the phone forever and they did not fix it.  Can anyone help?  Ready to cancel and go back to cable (which I hate to do).

ACE - Expert


6.3K Messages

3 years ago

How many devices are you trying to stream Fox channels on? I believe Fox has a limit of 3 concurrent streams based on the use of any device.

ACE - New Member


1.6K Messages

3 years ago

I have had this same issue and what I have found is if you leave one of your stream boxes on a fox station it is still acting like you are streaming even tho your stream box is off!  I have found if I change to a non-fox station before turning my stream box off then I have no problems.  I think it is stupid that FOX limits the number of people being able to view their channels because with DTV streaming you can stream on up to 20 different devices at the same time and you only get a couple of streams for their channels it makes no sense because what if 20 different people wanted to stream 20 different fox channels on their 20 different devices you can't even though you are paying for it!

ACE - Expert


6.3K Messages

3 years ago

If I have understood correctly, FOX limits the use no matter what service you have - streaming or cable on any device. Not a DirecTV Stream issue. Take it up with FOX.



4 Messages

3 months ago

Same but I have it on my home box

and never get is at home

there system is screwed up

and at&t will not fix it for years

ACE - Expert


6.3K Messages

3 months ago

This is a 3-year-old post! Suggest you start a new post with your issue.

...and my the way - AT&T has nothing to do with DirecTV. They separated as 2 different companies 2 years ago. 

ACE - Expert


6.3K Messages

3 months ago

Closing this post.