September 23rd, 2019
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Zippcreek's Activities
7 years ago
Woke up this morning and the entire channel guide simply says "getting information." Did a full house reboot, and a non-destructive recovery of the DVR. Anybody else have a sudden change to their channel guide?
posted a questionJune 20, 2018
7 years ago
Woke up this morning and the entire channel guide simply says "getting information." Did a full house reboot, and a non-destructive recovery of the DVR. Anybody else have a sudden change to their channel guide?
8 years ago
Channel 1007 (and 7) are breaking up frequently. And of course it's the channel with the Raiders game on! KGO in San Francisco. All other channels fine; did a whole house reboot and problem remains. Anyone else experiencing any issues? I know at&t has been having some noticeable problems around the
Thanks xyzzy. FWIW, all is fine now but it did last most of the day. Funny you should mention the tower; I live about 1/2 mile from it!
posted a questionJanuary 7, 2017
8 years ago
Channel 1007 (and 7) are breaking up frequently. And of course it's the channel with the Raiders game on! KGO in San Francisco. All other channels fine; did a whole house reboot and problem remains. Anyone else experiencing any issues? I know at&t has been having some noticeable problems around the
8 years ago
No wifi on one of our networks for all Apple devices. Only device able to connect to Uverse is Dell laptop without any drops in signal. The workaround was setting up static ip and this was working. Now everytime we try to use method it ask for password over and over and no connect.Who should I cal
The access code for changing RG settings should be on a label on the RG; note this is different from the wifi access code which appears on a different label.
8 years ago
No wifi on one of our networks for all Apple devices. Only device able to connect to Uverse is Dell laptop without any drops in signal. The workaround was setting up static ip and this was working. Now everytime we try to use method it ask for password over and over and no connect.Who should I cal
Can you open a command prompt and type "ipconfig" (without the quotes) ? Look for a line under Wireless LAN adapter that says "Default Gateway" For me, it's; for you it may say something different. If it does, that address should get y
8 years ago
No wifi on one of our networks for all Apple devices. Only device able to connect to Uverse is Dell laptop without any drops in signal. The workaround was setting up static ip and this was working. Now everytime we try to use method it ask for password over and over and no connect.Who should I cal
"I have never ever had WiFi issues." Lucky for you but the problem is quite well documented.
8 years ago
No wifi on one of our networks for all Apple devices. Only device able to connect to Uverse is Dell laptop without any drops in signal. The workaround was setting up static ip and this was working. Now everytime we try to use method it ask for password over and over and no connect.Who should I cal
It is well documented that Apple devices occasionally have problems with specific types of security protocols for connecting to wifi. Off hand, I don't remember if it is a problem with WPA-AES, or TPK or ... but if you go into your wifi security sett
8 years ago
Okay, so I am living at my friend's house for 2 months because he is on a vacation and he needs me to watch over his pets. He gave me WiFi password and everything, and he said something about a "Moto Vap" wireless TV box. I see it has its own WiFi but his normal wifi password doesn't work on it. I c
The Motorola VAP2500 is a wireless access point used for transmitting video to a wireless set top box. That is its only function - to provide wireless tv services to a televison that is too far from the RG to be connected via ethernet. It is not conf
posted a questionSeptember 20, 2016
8 years ago
Anyone else having sound problems while watching the Giants game this evening? It is the ONLY channel that I am having problems with. It's SD version at 770 is fine also. Very curious....
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