

10 Messages

Monday, October 3rd, 2016 11:58 PM


No wifi on one of our networks for all Apple devices.  Only device able to connect to Uverse is Dell laptop without any drops in signal.  The workaround was setting up static ip and this was working. Now everytime we try to use method it ask for password over and over and no connect.

Who should I call at ATT to troubleshoot with? Tried the 192.168. but can't reach server to check settings.



45 Messages

8 years ago

Troubleshooting is more or less self serve because most clients fix issues themselves quicker.


"No wifi on one of our networks for all Apple devices." You have more than one WiFi at this location? They are using different SSID's right? How about WiFi channels, are they different?


If it is asking for the password over and over most likely the password being used is wrong.


Static IP addressing is not a workaround for the inability to connect via WiFi. I would leave it in DHCP.



10 Messages

8 years ago

Yes, two different SSIDs.  Note only Dell laptop will connect to Uverse SSID.  No, password isn't the issue.  Model 5268ac F... is for all Apple devices.  What happened to looking at settings at our attlocal site?  By the way your  troubleshooting steps refering to 192.168. .... server can't connect.  How do I see my settings for Uverse service? Yes, I know my userid and password. 😉

Can I send you a screenshot?



33 Messages

8 years ago

It is well documented that Apple devices occasionally have problems with specific types of security protocols for connecting to wifi. Off hand, I don't remember if it is a problem with WPA-AES, or TPK or ... but if you go into your wifi security settings at and see which you are connected to, you can try changing it. A quick Google search may tell you which are the problematic protocols.


If you can't get into the RG settings, you either have to directly connect to the RG with an ethernet cable (preferred method), or factory reset the router and try connecting with the original SSID and password printed on the RG. If you can't access the interface then, there may be a problem with the RG.



10 Messages

8 years ago

IMG_0252.PNGUverse network

1 Attachment



10 Messages

8 years ago

Server stopped responding:



45 Messages

8 years ago

I have been an Apple user since 2009; MacBook Pro, two iPads, two iPhones, and AppleTV. I have never ever had WiFi issues.


There is no guarantee that the IP address of your gateway/router will be You should go into your Windows (I am assuming) Dell laptop network settings to determine what it believes the router address is. Then use your web browser to connect. The password should be on a label attached to the gateway/router.


You may attach snapshots using the photos button (Rich Text).


Realize that Apple products default to the first character being capitalized when performing keyboard entries. So when keying the password for WiFi watch the status of the shift key.



33 Messages

8 years ago

"I have never ever had WiFi issues."


Lucky for you but the problem is quite well documented.



10 Messages

8 years ago


IMG_0253.PNGUverse channel 5


1 Attachment



10 Messages

8 years ago

Tried both WPA AND WPA2 NOTE: Screenshots



10 Messages

8 years ago

Oh, OK using my Uverse IP is it still ... .168.1.254?



45 Messages

8 years ago

Let's get access to gateway/router working first.



45 Messages

8 years ago

There is no guarantee that the IP address of your gateway/router will be You should go into your Windows (I am assuming) Dell laptop network settings to determine what it believes the router address is. Then use your web browser to connect. The password should be on a label attached to the gateway/router.


Realize that Apple products default to the first character being capitalized when performing keyboard entries. So when keying the password for WiFi watch the status of the shift key.



10 Messages

8 years ago



No, that isn't why password isn't working because of uppercase.  I've also tried copy/paste method.



45 Messages

8 years ago

Have you been able to login to gateway/router using Dell laptop as yet?



10 Messages

8 years ago

@Fixit4535 wrote:



No, that isn't why password isn't working because of uppercase.  I've also tried copy/paste method.



Tried that on laptop.  Can't find RG for Uverse. Correct me, I'm using RG and tried prefered IPv4. Also tried IPv6.  There was at one time a page we could access to look at settings on attlocal, what is url now called?