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Attack on Conservatives
When will ATT Direct Stream admit the real reason they dropped News Max and OAN? They are a piece of garbage liberal communist company
New Member
5 Messages
When will ATT Direct Stream admit the real reason they dropped News Max and OAN? They are a piece of garbage liberal communist company
ACE - Expert
28.3K Messages
2 years ago
You can continue watching Newsmax for free by downloading the app via your device's app store or online at
Please visit for more information.
New Member
5 Messages
2 years ago
I’ve got the News Max app. I want it back on my TV channel line up where I can record shows from
ACE - New Member
636 Messages
2 years ago
From several articles I have seen it looks like DirecTV didn't want to pay for programing that was free elsewhere.
New Member
5 Messages
2 years ago
They pay a bigger fee to multiple news organizations that bring in much less revenue than News Max. It was an excuse to kick them off plain and simple
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
2 years ago
DirecTV can negotiate or not as they choose. They didn't have to but were negotiating up to the end of the current agreement ending. If negotiations continue, that is yet to be seen.
You don't like it then go elsewhere. DirecTV is not required to carry any channel.
New Member
5 Messages
2 years ago
yeah that’s obvious I can go elsewhere and will if News Max is not allowed back on. The customer service Rep states they are still in negotiations and it is now definite that News Max is out. Don’t you think it is too coincidental that the conservative news networks are the ones not getting to stay on the service? Fox News is not really conservative anymore. They are establishment. Name 1 liberal news agency that has been kicked off. I doubt you can
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
2 years ago
Newsmax wasn't barred from staying. If it was, then there would have been no negotiation. As such this different from another news network you allude to, as that one was not negotiated with at all but let go.
Personally, I don't care if the channel stays or leaves. Unlike others, I am not locked to a specific news source. I don't follow the "Go Team Red!" and "Go Team Blue" mentaility.
New Member
7 Messages
2 years ago
Why can't we come on here to voice an opinion or a complaint about channels being pulled?? We PAY for this service! It's not like DirecTV is free. If you don't like people coming on here and voicing their complaints, then go to another thread!
They also pulled a local TV station that is a FOX affiliate recently from my service. I pay to have a certain amount of channels and now I'm getting ripped off because they feel like "humpf - who cares about you!". NONSENSE!
And please, do not tell me about free streaming services. Dumbest retort I can imagine.
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
2 years ago
I have not seen anyone say you cannot. Most of us have been voicing our opinions. A few have gone further and have just been toxic, but there will be those immature people who cannot function as an adult. Disagreeing on discussion, or making suggestions that one might not like, is not saying you can't have your voice be heard.
I highly doubt DirecTV pulled it. Most likely the affiliate owner pulled it at end of carriage agreement, while they try negotating for a better deal. That has become more common with locals in recent years. All TV providers go through those negotiations.
To get more specifcis on your local Fox affiliate, you check DirecTV's info page to see if it is part of a current negotiation:
Being in the internet age, mentioning those services would be a valid point. You might disagree with the value of it, and if it doesn't apply to you personallly fair enough, but it makes sense of not wanting to pay more for a channel when they have additional free options.
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
2 years ago
Looks like no attack on conservatives. Just failed negotiation with Newsmax specifically.
New Member
7 Messages
2 years ago
In the first nine months of the year, AT&T's 70% share of DIRECTV profits came to $1.4 billion, suggesting that DIRECTV is on somewhere around a $2.7 billion run rate of profit.Dec 30, 2022
New Member
5 Messages
2 years ago
First of all, who exactly are you referring to as being immature?
Second, you believe what you want about this new conservative news platform “The first”, but if it is launched by Direct Stream then it is most likely going to be an establishment “Conservative” media outlet like Fox has become. Bill O’Reilly was kicked off of Fox for (Edited per community guidelines)ual misconduct, Liz Wheeler from OAN and Jesse Kelley, really?? A bunch of C level conservatives.
Direct Stream used a bull crap excuse to silence News Max. They silenced OAN and wouldn’t negotiate. So you can keep regurgitating your Republican establishment or Liberal propaganda (whichever category you fit in) all you want. The facts are clear.
ACE - New Member
5.2K Messages
2 years ago
No reason for this thread to still be open..