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1 Message
DIRECTV dropping OANN?
How could you bow down to the WOK cancel culture demands to dropping OANN? They do not lie! The "big lie of the 2020 election" is absolutely true. There is mountains of evidence of the election steal. All the misinformation comes from liberals not conservatives! My husband and I will be dropping Directv if you go thru this in April. I will convince all our friends and family to do likewise. This is an attack on freedom of speech and our country. Shame on you!!!!
ACE - Professor
8.2K Messages
3 years ago
Luckily it's a free country.
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.
New Member
158 Messages
3 years ago
@baseballisback Sounds like you’ve been indoctrinated by Main Street left News and actually believe the Russian collision story which has been debunked as Fake over and over. I think Putins actions just showed us real collusion is going on with Hunter and Hilary Clinton (your news probably does not cover those facts).
The reality is America would not be in the current situation if the last administration was still in power. Now we have record high gas prices which started well before Putin, inflation driven by bad policy, and a recession is likely on the horizon as a result. In a few months you will be wishing you voted for someone else.
New Member
158 Messages
3 years ago
@bherber The article you quoted is irrelevant as USA Today is fake left news synonymous to the New York Times. I highly recommend you research more using DuckDuckGo as there is a mountain of evidence that elections are not secure. Some states have already done away with Dominion voting machines given what they documented as facts.
New Member
16 Messages
3 years ago
@ElmerFudd79 You obviously have me confused with someone who gives a flying **** about whether you think USA Today is fake or not. I know what's fake, (OANN, NewsMax, FauxNoise, etc.), and I don't need to research your RW sources. The elections were not only secure, but after 60 law…suits, all of which got thrown out, I'm still waiting for something that resembles truth... (Something which the RW still hasn't come up with.) Even the "CyberNinjas" ;-) said it was a joke.
New Member
158 Messages
3 years ago
See… thats what happens when you only watch left news. Glad you like it but it’s not for at least half the country if not more.
58 Messages
3 years ago
Stolen elections have consequences. I hear that USA Today reports that Frontier is dropping Newsmax from its offering, this is a topic for fact checking.
New Member
158 Messages
3 years ago
@semockru is on to something really important. It does indeed look like Frontier is dropping NEWSMAX. I’m willing to bet DIRECTV drops them next before focusing on Fox News.
So many of us were right…. It’s not going to stop at OANN. There is no coincidence this is all happening right before the midterm elections. Soon television, internet, and libraries will mirror China…. The only source of information will be controlled by the government who wants to stay in power and protect Communism. Wake up America!!!
Finding the truth is synonymous to performing a literature review before writing a paper. You read multiple view points, challenge assumptions, and embrace the wise best practice that data in itself is not truth. Only if more people were smarter in this country and researched a little before stating or embracing an opinion as Fact.
New Member
88 Messages
3 years ago
@ElmerFudd79 , @semockru -
So @bherber is quoting USA Today now - the same paper that also just announced this:
That's one of USA Today's honorees in the "Women of the Year" category.
This from a news source @bherber prefers over OAN.
That speaks volumes.
New Member
16 Messages
3 years ago
And my grandmother rides a little red tricycle…
Sorry, I fail to see any connection. Next you’re going to tell me that Vince Foster was really murdered by Kermit the Frog.
I would prefer “Garbage Collectors Weekly” over OANN. At least there would be a 50/50 expectation of something resembling truth from the Garbage Collectors.
By the way is there anything false in the article about Rachel Levine, or is it that you just don’t like the content?
New Member
88 Messages
3 years ago
> is there anything false in the article about Rachel Levine
You mean where USA Today declares a biological man a "woman of the year"? Oh no, it's totally accurate!
And Biden won the election!
And those 2020 protests were all peaceful!
And the vaccine prevents COVID!
And gas prices have been skyrocketing for 15 months because of, you know, Putin!
So yes, Rachel Levine is a fine example of womanhood, a great example in whom little girls the world over will find such grand inspiration!
And everything USA Today reports fits right in line with all of this!
SOH (they, them)
New Member
158 Messages
3 years ago
Hmm.. let’s do a short lit review on Fake News and CNN. Sure looks like they don’t only air facts to me. I could post pages of links.
New Member
16 Messages
3 years ago
Yes, Biden DID win the election
Yes, all of the thousands of insurrectionists, militia hate groups, and White Supremacists of 2021 did more to destroy democracy and property than all of the riots of 2020.
Yes, the vaccine keeps people from serious symptoms, intensive care and death. (And there is statistically insignificant occurrences of death from the vaccine.)
Yes, gas prices have been artificially exploding because of oil company greed, not because of Biden policy. (Gee, have you noticed how much oil has dropped per barrel in the last 10 days? Any of that being passed on to consumers?)
Yes, Rachel Levine is a great example of a person who is doing a great job while being constantly demeaned by the usual RW b..i..g..o..t..s. (…and low IQ folks.).
New Member
158 Messages
3 years ago
@SOH I find it amazing CNN has not taken down there article from 2017 about Russian bought BLM adds targeting political unrest in Baltimore during the Ferguson case in 2014.
Yeap, people forget what “Peaceful Protests” (AKA legal insurrection) during the summer of 2020. Over 1 Billion in damage, 2000+ police officers injured, and at least 25 Americans killed. Note CNN and MSNBC like to ignore the damage…
New Member
88 Messages
3 years ago
Peaceful protests? Like this:
New Member
158 Messages
3 years ago
I’ll say this as a fully vaccinated con..serv..ative who used Certified N95+ masks when Fauci first told the public they did not need to wear masks while NY city was storing bodies in refrigerated trucks for those who succumbed to the China wuhan Lab “gain-of-function” Virus.
There is also a lot of misleading news on CNN about how effective the vaccine truly is at preventing death. Note thousands have died from the vaccine and thousands as a result of break through infections. There is a good reason why CDC is withholding data and the FDA sealed data for 55 years. Also, CNN fails to report all the facts on therapeutics.
Note I personally know at least 10 people who had serious reactions to the vaccine… like heart issues, vision loss, Anaphylaxis. Imagine how many more people there are.