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1 Message
DIRECTV dropping OANN?
How could you bow down to the WOK cancel culture demands to dropping OANN? They do not lie! The "big lie of the 2020 election" is absolutely true. There is mountains of evidence of the election steal. All the misinformation comes from liberals not conservatives! My husband and I will be dropping Directv if you go thru this in April. I will convince all our friends and family to do likewise. This is an attack on freedom of speech and our country. Shame on you!!!!
29 Messages
3 years ago
Who is the (Edited per community guidelines) who is dropping One America News??? Get rid of CNN and MSNBC but keep OAN you freaking (Edited per community guidelines) lunacy agenda sorts.
29 Messages
3 years ago
Who is the (Edited per community guidelines) who is dropping One America News??? Get rid of CNN and MSNBC but keep OAN you freaking (Edited per community guidelines) lunacy agenda sorts.
New Member
2 Messages
3 years ago
Wow! It must be pretty threatening to drop OAN news who are straight shooters. They comprise 30-40% of your following - quite a leap. Isn't it funny you want your kids to tell the truth - but if a news network actually stands in the fire and tells the truth - it just isn't palatable. Amazing. Well, I wouldn't use your service if it was free. Your true colors are showing. That is what is wrong in America - they would rather be inoculated with MSM networks who all say the same narrative than to actually "think" for themselves. OAN doesn't softball questions - they know what is going on. It's unfortunate you made this decision - you will pay a price in audience.
New Member
2 Messages
3 years ago
If this happens then I will part ways with DIRECTV after 5 yrs. Hello to DISH.
New Member
31 Messages
3 years ago
Why is DirecTV not renewing the One America News contract? If OAN is dropped, I and several of my friends will drop DirecTV. There are too many other options out there now. I will continue with DirecTV until then.
New Member
31 Messages
3 years ago
Why is DirecTV not renewing the One America News contract? If OAN is dropped, I and several of my friends will drop DirecTV. There are too many other options out there now. I will continue with DirecTV until then.
New Member
22 Messages
3 years ago
When Direct TV drops OAN, that will be the last straw. I have no reason to pay more than any other service and keep them.
New Member
22 Messages
3 years ago
We will be too. They are overpriced to begin with, but then being baised, well, they can take their losses.
New Member
5 Messages
3 years ago
If Direct TV falls victim to the cancel culture and and drops OAN I am switching to Dish Network
New Member
2 Messages
3 years ago
Is directv canceling CH-OANHD 347 & NEWSMXH CH-349? I was told that directv was going to cancel CH-OANHD 347 & NEWSMXH CH-349. That would make me not want to have directv anymore.
New Member
5 Messages
3 years ago
I told them the same thing
New Member
2 Messages
3 years ago
If your criteria for canceling news outlets is "misinformation" or "disinformation", then to be fair you have to cancel MSNBC, CNN, CBS, and all the other "mainstream media", because of all the lies they told for literally YEARS about news stories that are now proven to be complete fabrications. To avoid politics on this thread, I will not name the stories, but we know what they are...
New Member
22 Messages
3 years ago
Direct TV has been my provider for over 20 years, and after doing their woke, biased cancel culture move, I will be one more $200 a month richer customer. I hope dropping this station will make a huge cut for them, since they are trying to sell it anyway.
This is no better than banks trying to move Mike Lindell's accounts. Communism has taken root, and the sheep have followed.
New Member
2 Messages
3 years ago
I just saw DIRECTV is cancelling OAN due to Leftist complaints. If this does not change by April, then I am cancelling DIRECTV also. Cancel CNN. No on watches this crap anyway.
New Member
2 Messages
3 years ago
Drop CNN. OAN is far better. Prepare to lose customers DIRECTV.