New Member


4 Messages

Thursday, February 16th, 2023 11:17 PM

Less Quality - More Dollars. ??

You dropped the news channel NewsMax, which was the only one left that I watched. THEN, you had the audacity to go up on my monthly bill. What a scam. 

ACE - Expert


20.9K Messages

2 years ago

Newsmax walked out of future talks, if they return is up to them.  DTV has to raise their base rates every year do to the fact that Newsmax and the other channels want more money when their contract comes up for renewal.

ACE - Expert


22.7K Messages

2 years ago


Not a scam because you don't understand the situation.

The bill would have gone up regardless of Newsmax. There has been an annual price adjustment because of the increase in cost from the networks of prior carriage negotiations. Newsmax situation is from this year which whether they come back or not would be factored in to future price adjustments. As a note, one channel being gone does not make up for increases of other networks but can help minimize what that increase is.

DirecTV did not "drop" Newsmax. They just didn't accept Newsmax's new offer which was a cost that DirecTV didn't agree with. They are willing to negotiate if Newsmax wants to start talking again, but are not going to chase them down.

So have you complained to Newsmax for wanting to add costs that will raise our bills that much more the next time?


New Member


4 Messages

2 years ago

I understand that DirecTV was paying NewsMax next to nothing in comparison to other news channels that were drawing in much smaller audiences, probably including CNN. Be real. I know I have other choices for satellite TV, but I was hoping DirecTV would come to the table with a decent offer to NewsMax. It will be a pain, but I am still weighing my options. PLUS, they already cut OAN, which I was watching prior to losing it. Bluntly, the other news channels leave much to be desired. 

ACE - Expert


22.7K Messages

2 years ago

Doesn't matter what they pay other channels. If Newsmax gets higher cost, than that increases our costs (the customer) that much more. This negotiation is soely between DirecTV and Newsmax.

Unlike Newsmax, Oan was essentially "dropped". It was annouced months ahead of time that there was no chance of negotiation for a new carraige agreement. Though both channels may have similar content, the situations are different.

Complaining that a channel goes away blaming provider for not giving into their offer but complain that your bill goes up. That is not being "real". When operating costs go up for the TV provider, where do you think that comes from? It is from us customers, hence the annual price adjustment we see.

Certainly go with whatever TV provider has the channels you want. Just as long as you are aware they are subject to change as not a single channel is ever guaranteed.

New Member


4 Messages

2 years ago

Well, Jupiter, you certainly seem knowledgeable for a casual customer. I saw the increase coming…it just added insult to injury when I received double negatives within days of each other. Your superior attitude and canned replies do not impress. But thanks for an interesting exchange. 😊

ACE - Expert


22.7K Messages

2 years ago

I have had pay TV for many years. From getting help on the forum long ago I started discussing and helping others and built my knowledge base up over that time. Everything I have stated is public.

I get having price adjustment and the loss of a channel important to you around the same time to be infuriating. I was just pointing out they are not directly related (this time) with how it works. I wouldn't be bothered if Newsmax made a new offer to DirecTV and succeeded in comming back, as long as I am not paying for that happening.

My replies are not "canned". I state everything honestly and directly. Sometimes that is just pointing out the reality of the situation. Yes I am blunt, but I make no apology for that. I don't like sugar coating my responses and prefer to keep it as straight forward as possible.

And it is Juniper, not Jupiter.


ACE - Expert


22.7K Messages

2 years ago

As it doesn't seem Newsmax is planning on making a new offer to DriecTV (based on how long negotiations have stalled), and you find OAN as important which is certainly not comming back, then seek your other provider options. Just be prepared that any provider you go with could have something similar happen again.

Choose your TV provider that has the best setup for you. But don't depend on any given channel. They are subject to change at any time, channels are not an individual guaranteed right.

New Member


10 Messages

2 years ago

How do you negotiate with a company like Directv that refuses to pay you even a penny ($0.01) per subscriber for your product? Seeing your competitor channels getting paid by Directv, you must come to the realization that the negotiations are over.

ACE - Expert


6.3K Messages

2 years ago

You don't. It's free, but you want to pay for it via subscription. Not me - I watch it free.