New Member


3 Messages

Friday, March 17th, 2023 3:45 AM


why was newsmax removed? is my only option DISH?

ACE - Expert


20.9K Messages

2 years ago

Newsmax left the talks and was replaced with The First. It is being streamed on their website and other places.


New Member


3 Messages

2 years ago

Not the same. Looking for diversity of opinion. First you remove One American News (OAN) now Newsmax very disappointed with your obvious bias against conservative opinions. You are supposed to be a distributor / objective platform 

New Member


3 Messages

2 years ago


ACE - Expert


20.9K Messages

2 years ago

Then cancel as DTV can't make them return to the talks.

ACE - Expert


22.7K Messages

2 years ago


why was newsmax removed? is my only option DISH?

Carriage agreement came up. DirecTV and Newsmax were at extreme odds during negotiations, so Newsmax walked away (as is their right). DirecTV remains open to their return, but will not chase them down. For the full disclosure: https://www.directv.com/tvpromise/ 


That was obvious from your opening post. Yelling it at everyone (using ALL CAPS) doesn't change the situation. If you cannot live without the channel then you find another provider that has it. But be aware, channels are subject to change with any TV provider so there is no guarantee it will stay.

ACE - New Member


1.6K Messages

2 years ago

You can still watch Newsmax for free through their app if you are able to stream.  Newsmax and OANN you can stream for free through PlutoTV.  As for you switching to DISH good luck with that they have been down for over a month as they were hacked.  They are still having issues providing tv service for current customers and last I knew they still were not taking on any new customers.