1 Message
Wanting to cut down a tree but communication line run through it. Is on my property
I have a tree in which I am wanting to cut it down and get rid of tree. However communication lines goes through it, from a telephone pole to another telephone phone which crosses my property, I already trimmed tree back, but I don’t want to mess up the communication lines. I have gotten three estimates from tree contractors, which I cannot afford. Estimate was averaged 1500 to 2200 to have tree removed. I cannot afford this. I was told by contractors that’s why estimate is so high. And it was also stated contractors that if they damaged communication lines I will still be responsible for the cost of it.
ACE - Expert
22.6K Messages
27 days ago
Assuming those are telephone lines, contact the phone provider that owns them. With lines going "through" (I'm assuming through the branches and not a hole bored in the tree), that sounds like a hazard that needs to be addressed. (try saying downed line when you get the automated voice system as usually handled by that department).
This is the forum for DirecTV which has nothing to do with telephone lines.