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Wednesday, April 6th, 2022 10:41 PM


Who is responsible for programming lineups?

DirecTV has chosen to not renew OANN's contract while retaining a plethora of barely viewed leftist (Edited per community guidelines) trash. 

Someone makes these decisions, smacking more and more of outright censorship and I, for one, am heartily sick of it. Who do I contact to voice my views on this matter? Why is no department able to give your customers the answer to this simple question? Why are questions relegated to a "community-based forum" instead of to the area of your organization responsible? The entire organization seems, in fact, to be operating like some kind of secretive, shadow government instead of a consumer driven operation. 

I have been a customer of DirecTV for over 25 years (half the time under my former married surname). I have never experienced a company that denied its clients the opportunity to make its opinions heard directly to the proper channels. One would think that a company relying 100% on providing what its customer base wants would grant access to customers to offer opinions on what they see. To not do so is worse than disgraceful.

I want contact information for the department/individuals who decree what is being given airtime. And I want OANN back!

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

DIRECTV dropping OANN?

ACE - New Member


5.2K Messages

3 years ago

unfortunately, there is not much you can do other than call DIRECTV and complain. If you contact OANN they can’t do much about it because DIRECTV was the mastermind behind canceling the carriage agreement or ‘renewal’ of OANN. Your only option is to cancel DIRECTV and choose a separate TV provider or streaming service that contains OANN. Worth mentioning that you can also watch OANN for free via their app
