New Member


1 Message

Saturday, January 15th, 2022 4:53 PM


DIRECTV dropping OANN?

How could you bow down to the WOK cancel culture demands to dropping OANN?  They do not lie!  The "big lie of the 2020 election" is absolutely true. There is mountains of evidence of the election steal. All the misinformation comes from liberals not conservatives!  My husband and I will be dropping Directv if you go thru this in April. I will convince all our friends and family to do likewise. This is an attack on freedom of speech and our country. Shame on you!!!!



11 Messages

9 years ago

Now that Directv is part of AT&T I'd like to see One America News get added to the Directv channel lineup! Its been on U-Verse for over a year now and has become very popular there.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled One America News (OANN)



7 Messages

Yes please add this great news channel. You already carry other channels including Newsmax and the foreign owned aljazeera network, so why not an American owned network?

Former Employee


923 Messages

This is in high demand. Be sure to also post on DirecTV's Facebook & Twitter to show the demand for this channel.



3 Messages

Yes, please add OAN to DirectTV.. BEST News coverage ever!



2 Messages

I am in the process of changing over from Uverse to DirecTV. I noticed that OANN is not in the listing. It is the best unbiased news network on TV. Since AT&T and DirecTV are together I really want DirecTV to carry OANN.



2 Messages

If oann is not offered by a carrier my money will not be offered to them either! Direct TV needs to add one American news network and att should be ashamed of themselves for pushing customers to them



5 Messages

8 years ago

I have the Choice package, which is supposed to get Channel 347, One America News Network.  When I go to that channel, it says I need to upgrade.  That is crap.  What is wrong with you people?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled One America News Network

ACE - Master


6.5K Messages

ONN is in the packs it negotiated for, for what directv was willing to pay


please contact the station and ask them to allow it to be included in lesser packs at the same cost

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Note: This is a customer to customer forum, I am just a customer. Employees are identified as such.
Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

ACE - Expert


14.1K Messages

OAN isn;t in Choice, as far as I know.

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

Former Employee


33 Messages

@TexasBrit ONN is in Choice. 



5 Messages

If it’s in Choice, then it has to be in XTRA, and it doesn’t seem to be there.

Former Employee


33 Messages

This is a forum intended for discussions about AT&T's products and services. About your concern I advice you to contact DirecTV at 1-800-531-5000. Absolutely ONN is included in Choice package.

New Member


2 Messages

3 years ago

I would prefer sending an email but this might be the best avenue to share this feedback... we've been customers of AT&T and DirecTV for a very long time. I've just found out that One America News is being provided a platform by AT&T/DirecTV to monetize and spread false, conspiratorial, anti-democracy views that are doing actual real harm to our nation and our society, in general.
I IMPLORE AT&T to remove OAN from the DirecTV platform and to disavow the content already spread and apologize for providing OAN this opportunity. If action isn't taken, we will be closing our wireless and DirecTV accounts. I realize we are a drop in the bucket, but I also am pretty sure we aren't alone.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled One America News needs to be dropped by DirecTV... NOW

New Member


2 Messages

Agree completely and you're not alone. I found your post by Googling the topic, after a moveon.org petition came across my inbox - just saw, signed, and am sharing here:


ACE - Expert


20.9K Messages

No TV provider can decide to remove a channel until their contract is up.

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

ACE - Sage


46.3K Messages

Just because you don't like OAN doesn't mean you can dictate that nobody should be able to watch it. I'm sure lots of OAN fans would love to see DirecTV drop CNN and MSNBC. To each his own. If you don't like it, don't watch it. It's that simple. 

ACEs are customers too, NOT employees. Answers are based on experience. I strive to give honest answers, even if not always appreciated. If you posted personal information, please edit and remove.

For official support call DirecTV Satellite 1-800-531-5000, DirecTV Stream 1-888-429-4023, DirecTV Gemini dedicated 1-888-488-4742, or AT&T 1-800-288-2020. 

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.



34K Messages

🤦‍♂️This post needs to be closed 

While AT&T employees do look at forum posts from time to time, we are here to represent the forum with our experiences as customers and do not represent AT&T in any official capacity with our responses and do so on our own time unpaid and off the clock. As employees we are not rewarded nor compensated to participate in these forums This forum is comprised of regular customers to communicate with other customers to offer advice and share experiences same as any other user Although there is a small team of customer care specialists that monitor the forums the sheer volume of posts are simply too many posts for these agents to respond to each one of them.
*I am a DIRECTV employee, and the postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent DIRECTV's position, strategies or opinions.



34K Messages

Not everyone shares your views 

While AT&T employees do look at forum posts from time to time, we are here to represent the forum with our experiences as customers and do not represent AT&T in any official capacity with our responses and do so on our own time unpaid and off the clock. As employees we are not rewarded nor compensated to participate in these forums This forum is comprised of regular customers to communicate with other customers to offer advice and share experiences same as any other user Although there is a small team of customer care specialists that monitor the forums the sheer volume of posts are simply too many posts for these agents to respond to each one of them.
*I am a DIRECTV employee, and the postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent DIRECTV's position, strategies or opinions.

New Member


2 Messages

3 years ago

I will be cancelling my AT&T service and encouraging others to do the same. It has recently been proven that AT&T is financially backing OAN (One America Network), an extremist right wing (Edited per community guidelines) network that supported the insurrection on January 6th. This company is turning its back on Democracy and is in favor (supporting) of a known fascist organization.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled OAN Backers

ACE - Professor


2K Messages

LOL --just change the channel -the channel --BYE-BYE

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

New Member


4 Messages

I recently learned DTV is canceling OANN, i HOPE this is NOT true.  It's the ONLY channel I watch on regular TV.  When it goes, i go.  Why are we discussing removal of points of view and honest journalism.  It says volume about what is ostensibly a 'woke' culture at DTV.  

New Member


4 Messages

After 18 years of AT&T, they have shown their true colors, and it not RED, WHITE, AND BLUE! I will be canceling ALL of my AT&T services, and will encourage all my relatives, and friends to do the same! BYE AT&T

New Member


16 Messages

OAN is a trustworthy news outlet that backs up their statements with data.  CNN ratings tanked becaused they are caught in lie after lie.  OAN is disliked because they expose corruption and lies with evidence.

New Member


2 Messages

3 years ago

While I hate having to see ads for often offensive shows every time I pause and try to read or re-hear what’s on the screen - it’s getting to be such a turnoff to be sold at every turn….

Lately it seems that OAN & Newsmax won’t pause for more than a minute or 2, while the cooking channel, mtv etc will pause for a very long time. Seems to be an intentional DirecTV algorithm designed to keep down (Edited per community guidelines) channels? We already pay WAY too much to watch so few channels - censorship prevailing again?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Why are only newsmax & OAN not pausing for more than a minute, yet all other channels stay paused?

ACE - New Member


5.2K Messages

What do you mean by "pausing"? Commercial breaks during shows? If so, DIRECTV has no control over the commercial length that they air, this is controlled by the bigger companies like Viacom. Also this a public forum and we are customers just like you.

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For common errors, hit that RED reset button!

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

ACE - Expert


20.9K Messages

I think they are posting about the paused ads that are downloaded and start after one minute on those 2 channels.  AFAIK all channels are suppose to start after 1 minute.

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

ACE - Sage


46.3K Messages

As far as I can tell these "pause ads" appear on all of my channels after 30 seconds or so. 

ACEs are customers too, NOT employees. Answers are based on experience. I strive to give honest answers, even if not always appreciated. If you posted personal information, please edit and remove.

For official support call DirecTV Satellite 1-800-531-5000, DirecTV Stream 1-888-429-4023, DirecTV Gemini dedicated 1-888-488-4742, or AT&T 1-800-288-2020. 

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

New Member


6 Messages

When I searched for NEWSMAX by browsing the list of channels, it wasn't even showing up in the channel guide! I had to type the number of the newsmax channel to get NEWSMAX, then when on it, set it to autorecord. Now, DirecTV said Saturday that it has informed One American Network's OAN’s owner, Herring Networks. Inc., that it will no longer carry its two channels when their contract expires. Is DirecTV trying to silence half of America's voices and news?

ACE - New Member


3.4K Messages

3 years ago

Directv is dropping OAN in April when their contract expires. Hopefully Newsmax is next

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Directv Drops OAN

New Member


4 Messages

Asstounding how honest journalism finds its way into the bubble narrative of the left, to the point where is must be removed. Avoiding watching the channel is not enough, it must be totally eradicated so the pearl clutching can stop. OANN does not spin the news, they just report the facts.  Too bad if the facts destroy your jaded interpretation of the world.

ACE - New Member


3.4K Messages

@gengel0 U think OAN is honest? Facts? Lies are not facts. Also, lies are not opinions. Let us know when you arrive back from Earth 2. Enjoy the cult you belong to.

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

New Member


14 Messages

To the left brainwashed who can’t stand opposition because they haven’t any defense for their position. I will be immediately canceling my DIRECTV service. I’ve no interest in following the media sheep. 



12 Messages

I read the same article.  It's doesn't appear to be a contract dispute but a decision on DirectTV`s part.  If it does happen in April, I'll drop my service and switch to a different provider or just save my money and go streaming. 

@Ludwick577 - take you partisan politics elsewhere, your no better than the ones you complain about.

New Member


4 Messages

As soon as I can get Dish network out here to install I am dropping these facist pig censors at ATT/DirectTV.  I don't watch OAN, but ATT's decision to censor (Edited per community guidelines) view points is unacceptable to me.  Also switching my phone service.

New Member


4 Messages

3 years ago

I am seeing things posted on Social Media that is saying you are going to cancel OANN.  If that is true, then I will be cancelling my service. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled OANN

New Member


2 Messages


ACE - Expert


20.9K Messages

DTV can't drop any channels until the contact expires.

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

New Member


2 Messages

My service will be cancelled when OAN is cancelled.  Have a premium package but only watch about 5 of the 95+ channels.  Can get streaming services for less than a quarter of what I pay now.  Probably should tell DirectTV to pound sand now...

New Member


5 Messages

If DTV allows contract to expire with OAN so they can drop them, I will be dropping DTV. Honestly, i'm ready to right now just hearing about this... 

New Member


4 Messages

Everyone who is going to cancel due to them cancelling OANN, make sure you tell them to remove their satellite dish.  

New Member


14 Messages

3 years ago

I am Discontinuing DIRECTV due to your censorship of media you might not agree with. May your stock follow Twitter, CNN and MSNBC. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Farewell, it was a good service while it lasted. OAN, censorship, you’re competing with Twitter

ACE - Expert


1.2K Messages


Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

ACE - Sage


46.3K Messages

Dozens of other posts on this topic. Feel free to respond in one of those threads. Closing this one. 

ACEs are customers too, NOT employees. Answers are based on experience. I strive to give honest answers, even if not always appreciated. If you posted personal information, please edit and remove.

For official support call DirecTV Satellite 1-800-531-5000, DirecTV Stream 1-888-429-4023, DirecTV Gemini dedicated 1-888-488-4742, or AT&T 1-800-288-2020. 

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

New Member


2 Messages

3 years ago

I was considering Direct TV. But I’ve read you are canceling OAN. Is this true? If so I’m have to look elsewhere. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Are you canceling One America News?

ACE - Expert


2K Messages

Cancelling is not quite accurate, they have said they won’t renew the contract. There is a difference. 

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

New Member


11 Messages

It seems they are but will hide behind "contract renewal".  Apparently it is not able to be discussed on here as another thread on it has been closed.  They can bury their head or they can pay attention the voice of their customer.

ACE - Expert


36.8K Messages

Threads are closed when they wander off into political rants and name calling.  If you can voice your opinion that you want the channel to stay, or that you're glad that it's gone without slinging mud, then your comments are welcome.

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

New Member


2 Messages

Call it "canceling" or not "renewing", either way DirecTV is not making OAN available. Therefore, I will not be "renewing" my subscription. But take comfort, DirecTV, I'm not canceling my service.

New Member


4 Messages

If they also start censoring and drop OAN, I also will be cancelling. Can we have nothing in this world that is not a political activist?   We only watch a few channels anyway. It will probably save me money.  

New Member


2 Messages

3 years ago

I really like this show.  I watch it every day.  WHY is it rumored that you are dropping it? 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled One American News

ACE - Sage


46.3K Messages

Nobody here knows why. Given AT&T's political bent, it's more likely a financial decision rather than a political decision. Of course, things could change between now and April when their contract would need to be renewed. 

ACEs are customers too, NOT employees. Answers are based on experience. I strive to give honest answers, even if not always appreciated. If you posted personal information, please edit and remove.

For official support call DirecTV Satellite 1-800-531-5000, DirecTV Stream 1-888-429-4023, DirecTV Gemini dedicated 1-888-488-4742, or AT&T 1-800-288-2020. 

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

New Member


2 Messages

3 years ago

I urge you to continue delivering OAN, one of the best news channels

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled One America news

New Member


8 Messages

Just read: U.S. satellite broadcaster DirecTV said on Friday it will drop far-right channel One America News (OAN) from its service when its contract expires, in a blow to the popular news network." which will happen in April.

Putting on record that when you cancel OAN, I will be cancelling my service with you.

Please start a file on how many customers are unhappy about this decision. Thank you.

ACE - Sage


46.3K Messages

Given AT&T's political bent, it's more likely a financial decision rather than a political decision. Of course, things could change between now and April when their contract would need to be renewed. 

ACEs are customers too, NOT employees. Answers are based on experience. I strive to give honest answers, even if not always appreciated. If you posted personal information, please edit and remove.

For official support call DirecTV Satellite 1-800-531-5000, DirecTV Stream 1-888-429-4023, DirecTV Gemini dedicated 1-888-488-4742, or AT&T 1-800-288-2020. 

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

New Member


2 Messages

3 years ago

To Whom it may concern,

I have read that your company is planning on dropping One American News Network in April because of OANN reporting false information on Covid 19, I’m assuming you are also planning on dropping CNN & MSNBC because of the same reason? If this is not the case, please consider this letter as my notice that I will be canceling my contract with Direct TV.

Thank You

Kenneth F White

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled OANN

New Member


8 Messages

Just read: U.S. satellite broadcaster DirecTV said on Friday it will drop far-right channel One America News (OAN) from its service when its contract expires, in a blow to the popular news network." which will happen in April.

Putting on record that when you cancel OAN, I will be cancelling my service with you.

Please start a file on how many customers are unhappy about this decision. Thank you.

ACE - Expert


2K Messages

Whoever is reporting that as a reason is only speculating. Directv has only stated they are not renewing the contract, they have not provided a reason. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, though. It’s not just false information on covid.

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

ACE - Sage


46.3K Messages

Given AT&T's political bent, it's more likely a financial decision rather than a political decision. Of course, things could change between now and April when their contract would need to be renewed. 

ACEs are customers too, NOT employees. Answers are based on experience. I strive to give honest answers, even if not always appreciated. If you posted personal information, please edit and remove.

For official support call DirecTV Satellite 1-800-531-5000, DirecTV Stream 1-888-429-4023, DirecTV Gemini dedicated 1-888-488-4742, or AT&T 1-800-288-2020. 

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

New Member


8 Messages

3 years ago

Just read: U.S. satellite broadcaster DirecTV said on Friday it will drop far-right channel One America News (OAN) from its service when its contract expires, in a blow to the popular news network." which will happen in April.

Putting on record that when you cancel OAN, I will be cancelling my service with you.

Please start a file on how many customers are unhappy about this decision. Thank you.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled OAN

New Member


6 Messages

3 years ago

Direct doesn't renew OANNs contract they will lose this LONGTIME subscriber. I've been looking for a reason to cancel this expensive service, no OANN I'm outa here. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled OANN

ACE - Sage


46.3K Messages

Given AT&T's political bent, it's more likely a financial decision rather than a political decision. Of course, things could change between now and April when their contract would need to be renewed. 

ACEs are customers too, NOT employees. Answers are based on experience. I strive to give honest answers, even if not always appreciated. If you posted personal information, please edit and remove.

For official support call DirecTV Satellite 1-800-531-5000, DirecTV Stream 1-888-429-4023, DirecTV Gemini dedicated 1-888-488-4742, or AT&T 1-800-288-2020. 

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

New Member


6 Messages

Actually could care less about their reasoning.  I've read, in reliable sources, that they are being pressured by a "couple" special interest groups. Irrelevant.  This person, me, will leave Direct TV should they cave into the anti free speech, left leaning, fear mongering ideologs that are trying to shut down anyone who may disagree with their point of view. Shameful. Anti American nonsense. OANN...the ONLY place I go for news. 

ACE - Sage


46.3K Messages

Dozens of other posts on this topic. Feel free to respond in one of those threads. Closing this one. 

ACEs are customers too, NOT employees. Answers are based on experience. I strive to give honest answers, even if not always appreciated. If you posted personal information, please edit and remove.

For official support call DirecTV Satellite 1-800-531-5000, DirecTV Stream 1-888-429-4023, DirecTV Gemini dedicated 1-888-488-4742, or AT&T 1-800-288-2020. 

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

New Member


2 Messages

3 years ago

This is the only news station I trust for legitimate, unbiased news.  Please renew their contract in April 2022.  

Thank you!

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled One America News Network

ACE - Sage


46.3K Messages

Given AT&T's political bent, it's more likely a financial decision rather than a political decision. Of course, things could change between now and April when their contract would need to be renewed. 

ACEs are customers too, NOT employees. Answers are based on experience. I strive to give honest answers, even if not always appreciated. If you posted personal information, please edit and remove.

For official support call DirecTV Satellite 1-800-531-5000, DirecTV Stream 1-888-429-4023, DirecTV Gemini dedicated 1-888-488-4742, or AT&T 1-800-288-2020. 

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.