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New Member


2 Messages

Friday, October 8th, 2021 7:20 PM


One America News needs to be dropped by DirecTV... NOW

I would prefer sending an email but this might be the best avenue to share this feedback... we've been customers of AT&T and DirecTV for a very long time. I've just found out that One America News is being provided a platform by AT&T/DirecTV to monetize and spread false, conspiratorial, anti-democracy views that are doing actual real harm to our nation and our society, in general.
I IMPLORE AT&T to remove OAN from the DirecTV platform and to disavow the content already spread and apologize for providing OAN this opportunity. If action isn't taken, we will be closing our wireless and DirecTV accounts. I realize we are a drop in the bucket, but I also am pretty sure we aren't alone.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Directtv dropping OANN

New Member


2 Messages

3 years ago

Agree completely and you're not alone. I found your post by Googling the topic, after a moveon.org petition came across my inbox - just saw, signed, and am sharing here:


ACE - Expert


20.9K Messages

3 years ago

No TV provider can decide to remove a channel until their contract is up.

ACE - Sage


46.2K Messages

3 years ago

Just because you don't like OAN doesn't mean you can dictate that nobody should be able to watch it. I'm sure lots of OAN fans would love to see DirecTV drop CNN and MSNBC. To each his own. If you don't like it, don't watch it. It's that simple. 



34K Messages

3 years ago

🤦‍♂️This post needs to be closed 



34K Messages

3 years ago

Not everyone shares your views 

ACE - Expert


22.7K Messages

3 years ago


Well there was enough interest for OAN that made it worth it to add to the DirecTV channel lineup. As such your ultimatum carries essentially no weight. You may not be alone in your view, but you certainly do not speak for the masses. As long as enough people watch it then when the carriage agreement comes up it is expected they will negotiate with OAN to continue carrying them.

Your choice is to hide the channel using a favorites list, or just follow through and cancel.



29 Messages

3 years ago

There are more (Edited per community guidelines) every year in this country


New Member


31 Messages

3 years ago

This is typical of the current mentality of so many in our country who feel only their views are correct. I watch multiple news sources, both (Edited per community guidelines) and (Edited per community guidelines). it's very unfortunate that they're even categorized this way instead presenting all the news in a non-biased fashion. Persons like yourself are victims of today's media and likely a victim of our society of the past few decades wherein everyone gets an award, everyone is equal regardless of intelligence, creativity, motivation, athletic ability, etc. Therefore, any views presented that don't coincide with yours are clearly wrong. Pathetic.
