Brick Wall, Part 2
ATT Community help! I have hit a wall, with hours and hours of calling, being redirected, hung up and told ist not their dept.. I cannot get anything resolved. Two years ago I received numerous all from a group claiming to be ATT promoting new channels and such to me. I asked them numerous times to be taken off the list, the final time they refused to take me off the call list and then SLAMMED me with a En Espanol channel at $14.99 a month and an additional box fee $7.00 a month
About every 3 months, i have to do the battle, explain what happend and get the channel charges removed. BUT THEY never take the channel off my bill permanently. Now ATT refuses to credit anything else and I have two choices "eat it" or disconnect the service. I was in shock! She used the term "eat it."
This company has become so huge they cannot manage the ship and the subscriber is told to eat their mistakes!..Its now over $300 in extra charges... AGAIN
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