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Monday, December 23rd, 2019 9:05 PM

Fake Ass NFL Sunday Ticket Promotion

I received the same email. I believe the requirement to work at AT&T/DirecTV is just breathing. Common sense is UN-common with their Customer (NO) Service types. I called to inquire (an hour of my life I will never get back) if there was maybe an outage or something, and they proceeded to tell me that NFL Sunday Ticket is not a part of my package. They transfer you to just about every department. I’m positive they all wear ID-10-T badges of honor ((Edited per community guidelines)). And don't ask for a Supervisor....I dare you. They don't speak, umm English as a first language and they basically question your integrity. One "Fake" Supervisor" gave me an email to send the fake email they gave all of us to Directvpromise.com: I'm sure that email went to a black hole, like the one in her head where a brain should be. One tech support MO-ron actually told me to leave my house and take the email to an AT&T store so they could verify that I was telling the truth. Yes, my jaw dropped...eyes got big ... and I proceeded to use language not fit for human consumption (Retired Marine). Once I calmed down, I had to go Chaperone at the shelter, so that put a lot of things back in perspective. As soon as I speak to a "I'm NOT a Robot" I will cancel this useless service. This is basically false advertisement at its finest. They're trying to trick you into purchasing Sunday Ticket. Everything about the email when you read it sounds fishy (Edited per community guidelines) (Wed, Thur, Fri). I didn't curse (smile). Good luck trying to find someone competent to stand trial for this Goat Rope and Cluster F*****! I'm so glad I don't need them, and my Hijacked FS has all of this on it anyway. Semper FU Directv...ijs
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